
The solution to the latest lack of fruit setting in pear trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, the planting area of pear trees in China has increased, so the yield of pears has also increased to a certain extent, but many people are asking why the fruit setting rate of some pear trees is so low that the annual yield is not high. Is there a solution?

In recent years, the planting area of pear trees in China has increased, so the yield of pears has also increased to a certain extent, but many people are asking why the fruit setting rate of some pear trees is very low, resulting in low annual output. Is there any solution? in fact, there are many reasons for the low fruit setting of pear trees. As long as it is adjusted according to different conditions, the fruit setting rate can be increased. The following are some solutions to improve the fruit setting rate made by the pro-agricultural network according to different situations, hoping to help you.

1. Improve planting conditions

The environment suitable for the growth of pear trees is generally in the flat land where the soil is fertile, of course, it can also be in the mountains, but we need to improve the environment for its growth. First of all, we have to ensure that the soil quality of the planting land is relatively loose. The second is to increase the soil nutrients. The third is that the temperature suitable for pear tree growth is about 25 degrees, and the lowest temperature can not be lower than 10 degrees, so we have to carry out temperature management. The water in the field should not be too much, which will lead to the occurrence of pear blast, and the soil should be kept at about 55 of Bain at ten degrees.

2. Pollination tree collocation is reasonable.

You sometimes think that pear trees bloom a lot, but the final fruit rate is not ideal. At that time, because of the unreasonable collocation of pollination trees, we had better plant pear trees in a herringbone pattern. This is more conducive to pollination in the flowering season, and this planting method is of great benefit to insect pollination and mutual pollination between pear trees. It can basically guarantee a pollination rate of 80%, which basically solves the phenomenon of low fruit setting rate.

3. Scientific fertilizer and water management

When planting, we need to apply sufficient basic fertilizer, which can lay the foundation for high yield. secondly, the fertilizer and water management at the seedling stage is also more important. we mainly use urea to promote the growth and development of fruit trees. then we should pay more attention to the management of fertilizer and water for adult fruit trees. Fertilization is needed once a year in spring, mainly in order to let pear trees germinate quickly and enter the flowering stage. Secondly, when it is time to blossom, we should re-apply phosphate fertilizer and mix with an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer. At this time, water management is also important. If there is too little water, it will lead to falling flowers, so there should be sufficient water. After fruit setting, we need to apply more potash and boron fertilizer, which is beneficial to fruit preservation and can reduce the fall of fruit so as to really survive.

4. Artificial assisted pollination

In many cases, the lack of fruit setting is basically caused by uneven pollination or lack of pollination, so we can carry out artificial pollination to improve the fruit setting rate. On a sunny day two days after pear blossoms, we can collect the pollen, then leave it for a day after potion treatment, and then wait until eight o'clock the next morning for artificial pollination in the field. The way of pollination can be sprayed by equipment or smeared manually. No matter which way it is, it must be pollinated evenly in order to improve the survival rate.

5. Reasonable thinning of flowers and fruits

Under normal circumstances, the pear tree blossoms more every year, and the influence of various external factors is less, so there will be small fruits that are quite ripe and well-seated, but if there is no thinning of flowers and fruits, many pears will not grow big and will be deformed. In serious cases, it will not blossom in the second year, so we have to thinning its flowers and fruits. The best way to thinning flowers is to beat down the central flowers of the fruit trees. The best way to keep the flowers next to them is to keep one fruit every 15 to 20 centimeters and beat the rest of the weaker or diseased fruit so that the pear tree can maintain its normal growth and provide adequate nutrients to the fruit.