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Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Nine-section orchid school name Huilan (C.Faberi.Rolfe), commonly known as nine-section orchid, nine-head orchid, nine orchid. Roots thick and long, pseudobulbs inconspicuous, leaves 5-7, length 25-80cm, wide 1.0cm, erect, margin coarsely serrate, flowers solitary, midvein prominent, transparent, scape erect, 30-80cm high, 5-12 flowers, bracts small,...

Nine-section orchid school name Huilan (C.Faberi.Rolfe), commonly known as nine-section orchid, nine-head orchid, nine orchid. Roots thick and long, pseudobulbs inconspicuous, leaves 5-7, long 25-80cm, wide 1.0cm, erect, margin coarsely serrate, flowers solitary, midvein prominent, transparent, scape erect, 30-80cm high, with flowers 5-12, bracts small, flower diameter 5-6cm, yellowish green, fragrant, slightly inferior to Chunlan, petals slightly smaller than sepals, lip 3-lobed inconspicuously, middle lobes long oval, with many transparent papillae hairs The tip is curled, the edge has short ciliate, the labellum is white, there are purple spots, the florescence is 2-3 months. Huilan introduced ripe grass with flowers, once blooming, you have to wait patiently for several years to return to flowers, and some even grow thinner and thinner until failure. The downhill grass is even more so. What's the reason? The answer is not easy. It was only after years of groping that I mastered one or two.

Huilan mostly grows on the top of the mountain or in the upper part of the mountain where there is more light. Experts tell me that in the mountains of Huiji, Siming, Tianmu, Tiantai and other mountains in Zhejiang, it is common at higher elevations that strong plants can also blossom. Occasionally grow in the lower part of the hillside open stone wall cracks, because of strong light is also easy to blossom, but the leaf quality is rough. On the other hand, a small number of those growing in bamboo forests or higher shrubs and subarboreal dense forests are not easy to bud because of less light. There are more than 10 clusters of Huilan, and there are 10 plants with 5 trees in each clump, with many roots and luxuriant leaves, but none of them have buds. The expert told me that the main reason is the lack of sunlight. I think this is the main reason why we can't afford to raise Huilan in terms of management. I don't know if it is too much to sum up what they said into five articles. If you read it, it would be better to sum it up as two and three.

1. Fertilization. Every year, when the new plant grows until the leaves are separated, it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer once every half a month, the first fertilization should be a little lighter, 0.5 kg 1000, and then it can be gradually thickened (twice as thick as the fertilizer applied by Chunlan, about 2 mi 3 max 1000). Do not apply fertilizer in midsummer (above 35 degrees Celsius) in winter (below 10 degrees Celsius). If you encounter a warm winter, the temperature during the day is often 15 ~ 20 and above 5 degrees at night. Huilan is in a state of semi-dormancy and will consume a lot of energy. in order to ensure Huilan to pick out the tip in spring and discharge Ling vigorously, it is also necessary to properly apply some thin fertilizer (0.5rap11000 for foliar spraying, and pay attention to spraying on the back of the leaves as far as possible to improve the efficiency of fertilization. Save money! ). Usually fertilization should be careful not to let liquid fertilizer into the heart of the leaves, especially the new seedlings, more orchid pots, blow with a fan for half an hour after fertilization, and dry the water droplets of the leaves with toilet paper. If you fertilize, I only recommend one way, that is, after half an hour of fertilizer, you must pass through a basin with clean water, and then fertilize. Irrigation is generally used 3 times a year, 10 days after flowering or new buds begin to split leaves, grow a new root 2 Mel 3 cm, irrigate once (after anthesis nutrient consumption is particularly large, generally open an arrow flower, it is possible to pour 3 leaves, or even a seedling grass, be careful to fertilize); before and after Lesser Heat, the temperature is continuously below 30 degrees, irrigation once; before winter (the night temperature enters 810 degrees). Or use observation method to fertilize, often observe the leaf quality, the leaf quality has the loss of green phenomenon, and is thinner than before, it means that the lack of fertilizer, then irrigate once thin fertilizer; the new leaf bifurcates to grow new roots, fertilize once, after budding from September to October, and fertilize once after the big stem (70% dry). Apply fertilizer by leaf spraying at other times.

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