
The latest course of high-yield planting techniques of carambola

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Carambola, also known as Wuyuanzi, foreign peach, the tree species are small evergreen trees, up to 8-12 meters high, is a common tropical and subtropical fruit, high nutritional value, excellent taste, deeply loved by consumers. We've all eaten it, so do you know how it was planted?

Carambola, also known as Wuyuanzi, foreign peach, the tree species are small evergreen trees, up to 8-12 meters high, is a common tropical and subtropical fruit, high nutritional value, excellent taste, deeply loved by consumers. We have all eaten it, so do you know how it is planted? How can we achieve high yield? Let's take a look at the high-yield planting techniques of carambola.

1. Establishment and planting of the garden

Select the seedlings of high-quality varieties with high yield, strong adaptability and strong disease resistance, and then select the land with open, flat and sunny terrain, deep soil layer, loose and fertile land and good drainage to build the garden. Planting can be selected in spring and autumn, when the temperature is conducive to the growth and development of seedlings, planting density should be paid attention to, generally planting 20-25 plants per mu. Adopt the method of digging and planting, first dig the large hole of 1 meter long, wide and deep, fill the base fertilizer in the hole, fill a layer of soil in the backfill, fill the base fertilizer in this order, and finally fill and compaction the surface soil mixed with lime powder. The height of cultivated soil is 20-30cm higher than that of soil layer during planting, and enough root water should be irrigated after planting.

2. Fertilizer and water management

After the young trees are planted for 2-3 months, the root system will grow to the whole cultivation hole, and the hole should be expanded properly to make the root system grow and develop further. About one month after the young trees survive, it is necessary to start topdressing to promote their rapid growth. The principle of applying light fertilizer frequently at the beginning of fertilization is to prevent damage to the roots, and light fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the early stage. After two months, apply an appropriate amount of farm manure or compound organic fertilizer to provide the trace elements needed for plant growth and prevent malnutrition.

Fertilizer should be stopped in November, winter fertilizer should be applied in December to make young trees winter safely, and organic fertilizer should be applied in spring next year to improve soil fertility. Watering can be seen according to precipitation and soil dry humidity. if the natural precipitation can meet the needs of planting and growth, there is no need for watering, but if it is an area with less precipitation, it should be artificially watered according to the soil conditions. in addition, some water can be properly watered after each fertilization to dilute and permeate the fertilizer, which is beneficial to plant absorption.

3. Shaping and pruning

When the young tree grows to 50-60cm, it should be pruned, cut off the top of its branch, leave 3-4 small buds to grow into the main branch, and when the branch grows to 50cm, it can promote the sprouting of the plant branch, and then leave 3-4 lateral buds in the branch, so that it can freely grow into a round crown. On the other hand, adult trees should also be pruned, usually twice a year. For the first time, after fruit harvest in spring, the overgrown branches, weak branches, and withered old branches are cut off to avoid excessive consumption of nutrients and store nutrients for the next blossom and fruit. it is also conducive to the emergence of new shoots and bud germination, while the second time in summer, dense branches and overgrown branches are cut off to increase light and ventilation and increase yield.

4. Pest control

The most important thing in planting carambola is the protection of diseases and insect pests. There are many kinds of diseases and insect pests in carambola, including those that harm leaves, flowers and fruits, but they all have an impact on the growth and yield of carambola, causing no harvest or plant death in serious cases, causing huge losses to fruit growers, so special attention should be paid to them.

The above is the high-yield planting technology of carambola brought by pro-agricultural network. This is the content about how to grow carambola to achieve high yield. If you want to know more, please pay attention to pro-agricultural network.