
Common diseases and insect pests of the latest lemon and their control

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The taste of lemon is very sour, which is the favorite food of many pregnant women, and it is also the good news for many people who like to eat sour. Lemon has a lot of uses, can be used to stir-fry, juice to make drinks, make tea and so on, it is rich in vitamin C, as well as a lot of sodium, for the human body

The taste of lemon is very sour, which is the favorite food of many pregnant women, and it is also the good news for many people who like to eat sour. Lemon has many uses, can be used to stir-fry, juice to make drinks, make tea and so on, it is rich in vitamin C, as well as a lot of sodium, is very beneficial to the human body. It can maintain the production of cells in the human body and keep them growing normally. So there are more and more people planting, but many diseases and insect pests often occur in the planting process. What are the diseases and insect pests that harm lemons? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look at it.

1. Lemon scab

Symptoms: scab is mainly harmful to fruit shoots and young leaves and fruits, and many yellow patches in the shape of water stains appear in the affected parts, which are also gradually protruded to form a funnel shape. When the disease is serious, there will be some phenomena, such as shorter treetops, deformed leaves and long tumors of fruits. Scab is mainly caused by fungi, wind, rain, insects and other media are the way of transmission, overcast and rainy weather is the condition of the disease.

Prevention and control methods: regular reasonable pruning of fruit trees, cutting off weak twigs, disease and insect branches and other useless branches. When the new tip grows to about two centimeters, it is sprayed with topiramate and other chemicals for prevention, spraying about three times.

2. Lemon canker

Symptoms: canker mainly harms the leaves and branches of fruit trees. Yellow watery spots appear on the leaves at the beginning of the disease, and then begin to expand and extend into patches, and the leaves bulge. The middle will begin to sag and crack, although the diseased leaves will not be deformed, but will cause early fall, the symptoms of branches and fruits are not much different from the leaves. It is mainly caused by bacteria and spread through media such as Rain Water. High temperature and rainy weather is the most serious weather for ulcer disease.

Prevention and control methods: strengthen quarantine when selecting seeds, do not select diseased seedlings, and prevent the introduction of diseased seedlings and diseased fruits. Select disease-resistant seedlings, or disinfect the seedlings before planting. Spray an appropriate amount of streptomycin and other chemicals to prevent and cure the new shoot when it grows to about five centimeters.

3. Lemon soot disease

Symptoms: soot disease is mainly harmful to leaves, branches and fruits, the affected area will appear a thin layer of dark brown mildew spots, and will gradually expand and extend together. A black mildew layer with protruding hair. At the beginning, the soot layer on the blade is relatively easy to peel off, and small black spots can be seen behind. The disease is mainly fed by honeydew of aphids, scale insects and other pests and begins to reproduce on the leaf surface. It will not only affect the photosynthesis of the plant, but also secrete toxins to affect the growth of the plant, resulting in the decline of fruit quality.

Prevention and control methods: first of all, it is necessary to cut off the source of nutrition, strengthen the prevention and control of aphids, scale insects and other insect pests. If insect pests are found, they should be sprayed in time to eliminate the transmission vector of soot disease. Strengthen the management of orchards and prune them reasonably. Enhance the permeability between fruit trees and reduce the source of disease. Reduce the incidence of disease.

The above three kinds are the diseases that often occur when planting lemons. If the diseases are not treated in time and controlled by drugs, the harm to the lemon trees is very great. The prevention and control of diseases is mainly based on prevention, strengthening the hygienic management of orchards and ploughing and disinfecting orchards after harvest. After all, the final output of lemons is closely related to their own economic interests. I hope you can pay attention to it. For more information, please continue to follow the pro-agricultural network!