
A course on the latest techniques and methods of banana cold prevention and winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Banana is a tropical fruit, likes warm and humid vegetation, but is afraid of low temperature and frost, so the low temperature environment is extremely disadvantageous to its growth, but now many growers like to avoid cold injury in the seedling stage to plant bananas. so bananas bud.

Banana is a tropical fruit, likes warm and humid vegetation, but is afraid of low temperature and frost, so the low temperature environment is extremely disadvantageous to its growth, but now many growers like to avoid cold damage in the seedling stage to plant bananas, so banana buds have to go through the cold winter. So if bananas are protected against cold in winter? Safe through the winter? Let's take a look at the pro-farm network.

1. Select cold-tolerant varieties

When planting bananas, we should consider the climate and soil conditions, choose some areas with flat and open cities and sufficient light, and also require plots with deep soil, loose soil, good drainage and less frost to plant. In addition, it is best to choose varieties with strong cold tolerance, high yield and stable yield, low seedling stem and strong wind resistance.

2. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water

In winter, it is necessary to apply good winter fertilizer to improve soil temperature and enhance the cold tolerance of plants, but it is best not to use nitrogen fertilizer, which will make the plants grow rapidly and consume nutrients, and the new leaves are too green and have low cold resistance. More warm fertilizer should be applied. Such as organic fertilizer and manure and other farm manure, these fertilizers will release a lot of heat during decomposition, which can not only increase soil temperature, but also timely spray foliar fertilizer to improve the cold resistance of leaves. In watering management, if it is dry and cold weather, it is necessary to timely watering, keep the soil moist, can increase soil temperature, and if wet and cold weather, it is necessary to timely drainage to protect the root system.

3. Bagging and heat preservation

Bagging heat preservation is a common cold protection method. Bananas that were not harvested in time in November are bound to their leaves and firmly wrapped in film to prevent moisture from entering the stems of bananas, while the extracted banana fruits are covered with plastic bags and warm bags on the inside. use a waterproof film on the outside. Before bagging, we should also spray 500 times of the transparent coating of fruits and vegetables, which can not only prevent the invasion of diseases, but also improve the fruit quality. when bagging, put a layer of papyrus to prevent the film from touching the banana fruit directly, raise the temperature and promote the normal growth of bananas.

4. Clear the garden to smoke

Clean up all the weeds and debris in the orchard before overwintering, then pile them up with straw or withered banana leaves and firewood, and light them in the cold and low temperature, preferably in the evening, and pay attention to the fact that the open fire should not be too big when lit, so that there is a layer of smoke over the whole orchard, which can increase the temperature of the orchard and prevent frost damage.

The above is the banana cold protection technology brought by the pro-agricultural network. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about banana planting, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.