
Cold orchid in spring in Lijiang River

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fine leaf cold orchid, down the mountain for two first three remnant leaves art with remnant flowers, after harvest to plant new seedlings for green leaves. After dividing the green leaf products, the old man was used to cover the art of turning yellow to snow-white manuscripts first. by September 2008, Ye Yi had been cultivated to the conjoined body of three seedlings. In 2007, a seedling leaf art was sent out from the original green leaf products, which was enlightened.

Fine leaf cold orchid, down the mountain for two first three remnant leaves art with remnant flowers, after harvest to plant new seedlings for green leaves. After dividing the green leaf products, the old man was used to cover the art of turning yellow to snow-white manuscripts first. by September 2008, Ye Yi had been cultivated to the conjoined body of three seedlings. In 2007, one of the leaves was sent out from the original leaves, which is a prophetic snow-white manuscript, but the art is all on the leaf clip, and the art on the leaf is relatively few, and it is expected to be able to join the three seedlings in 2009. It is certain that this cold orchid flower art has been stable, leaf art is in the process of evolution. Floral art belongs to the later Ming sexual art. The flower bud is yellow until the big row of bells, and turns to white when it opens. The degree of whiteness is related to the length of the opening time, and it turns to all white two or three days after opening in a plate. There are two kinds of grass: green leaf product and art white art, and there are two kinds of green leaf products: the first Ming porcelain white art and the first Ming yellow porcelain white, which is easy to produce green leaf products, and green leaf products are also easy to grow new seedlings.