
What about the latest ginkgo fruit drop?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ginkgo biloba is a big deciduous tree with a very long growth cycle. The oldest ginkgo tree has been growing for hundreds of years now. Of course, the main value of ginkgo tree is ginkgo fruit, which is a combination of medicinal and edible fruit, but ginkgo fruit should not be eaten more in a day.

Ginkgo is a deciduous tree with a very long growth cycle. The oldest ginkgo tree has been growing for hundreds of years now. Of course, the main value of ginkgo tree or ginkgo fruit, ginkgo fruit is a set of medicinal and edible fruit, but ginkgo fruit should not be eaten more than one day, because ginkgo fruit contains a certain toxicity. But now many growers will encounter a problem, that is, when planting, they will find that ginkgo trees often drop fruit, so what should they do in this situation? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian below!

1. Fertilization

When gingko trees bloom and produce young fruits, topdressing should be done at least twice, the first time at the fruit expansion stage, and then the second time at the kernel growth stage. Microelement fertilizer such as phosphate fertilizer is applied during fruit expansion period to promote fruit growth and development. The mixed fertilizer of urea and phosphate fertilizer is applied during the kernel growth period, and the dosage is determined according to the growth and fruiting conditions of fruit trees. Increase the accumulation of nutrients in fruit trees, improve tree resistance, reduce fruit drop phenomenon.

2. Moisture

Ginkgo trees neither like water nor dry, such as summer drought weather should be watered in time, because drought will make ginkgo fruit expansion blocked, unable to improve yield, and will also aggravate the phenomenon of fruit drop on the flower bud differentiation of the second year. If continuous rainy weather is encountered, the water in the orchard is serious, and there is no timely drainage, the water will make the roots unable to breathe, the nutrient absorption is insufficient, causing a part close to the ground to start falling leaves and fruits. Therefore, we should timely good orchard irrigation and drainage work, improve the fruit set rate of Ginkgo biloba.

3, pruning

Ginkgo trees need a lot of light and nutrients when they reach flowering stage, if there is not enough sunlight and water in the tree. It will cause poor fruit growth and the fruit stalk will begin to turn yellow, causing the fruit to begin to drop. Therefore, in the process of planting, we should cut off the excessive branches, over-dense branches and overlapping branches in the tree body. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the wound after cutting off to do a good job of bandaging to prevent the loss of moisture and nutrients due to the wound. In this way, the permeability in the tree body can be strengthened, and the nutrient accumulation of the fruit tree can be strengthened, thereby changing the phenomenon of fruit drop.

4. Fruit thinning

Ginkgo trees are different from other fruit trees. The growth of ginkgo trees is divided into big and small years. In big years, the number of fruits on the trees will increase, which is easy to exceed the bearing range of branches. If the fruits are not thinned in time, the branches will not bear the weight and break. Moreover, if there are too many fruits, the required nutrients will also increase, resulting in all nutrients being transported to the fruits, and the branches and leaves will not have enough nutrients. And this will also be more serious in the big and small years, so we should do a good job of thinning fruit in the young fruit period to prevent the phenomenon of falling fruit caused by too many fruits in the later period.

The above four points are the way to solve the problem of ginkgo fruit drop. Of course, the introduction of Xiaobian is not very comprehensive. It is simple to talk about these aspects. What also needs everyone's attention is the work of preventing and controlling diseases and insect pests. Diseases and insect pests are also the main causes of ginkgo fruit drop. For example, silkworm moth is one of them. Appropriate amount of chemicals can be used to prevent and control it and reduce the probability of fruit drop. This article is for reference only and I hope it will help you.