
The causes and control methods of the latest mango falling flowers and fruits

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mango is a tropical fruit with high economic benefits, and it is also our favorite fruit. It is rich in nutrition, rich in sugar, protein, vitamins and other nutrients needed by the human body. The phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits during planting seriously affects its yield, so mango

Mango is a tropical fruit with high economic benefits, and it is also our favorite fruit. It is rich in nutrition, rich in sugar, protein, vitamins and other nutrients needed by the human body. The phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits during planting seriously affects its yield, so what is the reason for the falling flowers and fruits of mango? The following editor will introduce the reasons and prevention methods of mango falling flowers and fruits.

1. Temperature

In the flowering and young fruit stage of mango, if you encounter long-term low temperature, overcast and rainy weather, mango will easily lead to flower and fruit drop. This is because the temperature is too low, the nutrient transport of the plant is slow or stopped, and the overcast and rainy climate leads to soil hardening, resulting in poor soil permeability, decreased root respiration and absorption capacity, flowers and fruits can not get nutrients to continue to grow, will fall off. And overcast and rainy weather will also affect the activity of insects, resulting in poor pollination effect, very easy to produce a large number of deformities and abortive fruits, to the late growth opportunity to fall off naturally, this is a physiological phenomenon.

Control methods: select varieties with strong resistance and adaptability, which have a certain resistance to the low temperature and rainy climate. At low temperature, you can increase the low temperature by means of fertilization and plastic film mulching, and the trunk can also be painted white, which is lower than the severe cold. Drainage and waterlogging prevention measures should be taken in overcast and rainy seasons, and the effect of pollination is poor, so artificial pollination can be carried out.

2. Diseases and insect pests

The harm of diseases and insect pests is also one of the main causes of mango flower and fruit drop, the main diseases are anthracnose and powdery mildew, after the plant is infected, the flower ear and young fruit will turn black, dry and necrotic until falling off, or the plant will turn brown and necrotic, so that the flower bud will fall off. Insect pests include flat-beaked leafhopper and Spodoptera litura, which suck up the sap of flowers and leaves, causing twigs to dry and fall off.

Prevention and control methods: do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, do a good job in fertilizer and water management before flowering, match chemical control, add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or organic fertilizer to the planting, improve disease resistance, spray pesticides and fungicides to control diseases and insect pests. When the disease occurs, it is sprayed to treat diseases and kill pests.

3. Lack of nutrition

Mango in the bud, heading, flowering and fruiting period all need to consume a lot of nutrition, especially in the flowering and fruiting period, when the nutrition accounts for 40% of the total nutrition, so if the nutrition supply is insufficient, there will be the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits.

Prevention and control methods: strengthen fertilizer and water management, apply sufficient base fertilizer, apply 3000-4000 kg organic fertilizer per mu, match 50-100kg compound fertilizer as base fertilizer, topdressing in time, topdressing in bud, heading, flowering and fruiting stage, nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in bud splitting, reasonable collocation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at heading stage, appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer is reduced, plant overgrowth is prevented, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased at flowering and fruiting stage. To promote the growth and expansion of the fruit, but also to add some trace elements to make the fruit fully develop well.

4. Lack of moisture

Enough water is needed during the flowering and fruiting period of mango. If the soil is too dry and short of water, it will affect the metabolism and nutrient transport of the plant, which will lead to the shedding of buds, the lack of water during the growth of the fruit and the inhibition of its growth. Serious lack of water will lead to fruit drop.

Prevention and control methods: adequate water supply must be ensured during the flowering and fruiting period. it is found that the soil should be watered in time when the soil is too dry to keep the soil moist. In addition, shallow ploughing can be done properly after watering to avoid soil hardening. It will also affect the root system for nutrient and water absorption.

The above are the reasons and control methods of mango falling flowers and fruits. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about mango planting, please follow us.