
Take more measures to alleviate the difficulty of "selling grain" in some areas

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Due to the continuous rainfall during the wheat harvest this year, the imperfect grains of wheat in Anhui and other areas exceeded the standard, and the quality was difficult to meet the national collection and storage standards. In order to alleviate the problem that it is difficult for farmers to sell grain, various localities and departments have introduced a number of measures to effectively safeguard the interests of grain farmers.

Due to the continuous rainfall during the wheat harvest this year, the imperfect grains of wheat in Anhui and other areas exceeded the standard, and the quality was difficult to meet the national collection and storage standards. In order to alleviate the problem that it is difficult for farmers to sell grain, various departments in various localities have introduced a number of measures to effectively safeguard the interests of grain farmers.

The Anhui provincial government recently launched a temporary collection of wheat at the provincial level. The scope of temporary collection and storage of wheat at the provincial level is the key counties (cities and districts) of Bozhou, Fuyang, Suzhou, Bengbu, Liu'an, Chuzhou, Huainan and Huaibei, which are the main producing areas. For wheat that meets the quality standards, the national minimum purchase price plan is still strictly implemented; for wheat with imperfect grains less than 20% and bulk density not less than 710 grams (710 grams / liter), the temporary storage price at the provincial level is 1.1 yuan / jin.

The person in charge of China Grain Storage said that in view of the fact that the imperfect grains of wheat affected by rainy days in some areas exceed the standard, China Grain Storage has organized and carried out extension services in various localities to take the initiative to provide grain brokers and major grain growers with services such as personnel, technology, facilities and equipment for grain storage, so as to guide farmers to store and sell wheat of different quality, so as to help farmers increase their income.

The Agricultural Development Bank regards the summer harvest as the top priority of the current work and gives full play to the role of the main channel of capital supply. This year, 158 billion yuan will be collected in the summer, an increase of 1.3 billion yuan over last year's actual investment, of which the credit fund for the purchase of wheat is 130 billion yuan. Insist on "money and other grain" for the supply of funds for acquisition, so as to ensure that the enterprises opening accounts of the Agricultural Development Bank will not "make notes" to farmers because of the problem of capital supply.