
The latest preventive measures for early flowering of mango

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mango is one of the famous tropical fruits, which consumes a lot of water and nutrients during its growth. if it encounters long-term drought and improper management of water and fertilizer, it is very easy to make its flower buds differentiate very quickly, appear the phenomenon of early flowering, make the flower organ unable to pollinate normally, and the fruit setting rate is low.

Mango is one of the famous tropical fruits, which consumes a lot of water and nutrients during its growth. if it encounters long-term drought and improper management of water and fertilizer, it is very easy to make its flower bud differentiation very fast, appear the phenomenon of early flowering, make the flower organ unable to pollinate normally, and the fruit setting rate is low. affect the yield. So how to prevent mango from blooming early? Let's take a look at the details.

1. Timely pruning

After the fruit is ripe and harvested, the old, weak, diseased and dense branches of the fruit tree should be pruned in time, and the remaining fruit axis should be cut off to strengthen the cleaning work of the orchard. This can increase the ventilation and light transmission of plants, reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption, but also reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests, the most important thing is to delay flower bud germination and prevent the occurrence of early flowering.

2. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Mango consumes a lot of nutrients after flowering and fruiting, and the plant is relatively weak at this time, and it is extremely vulnerable to invasion and infection of diseases and insect pests, so it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer after harvest, and the amount of base fertilizer accounts for more than 80% of the annual fertilizer application, so that the plant can recover quickly and improve its growth needs. The main fertilizers were organic fertilizer and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and a circular ditch was dug around the plant. 50 kilograms of organic fertilizer and 10 kilograms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer were applied to each plant.

3. Drought prevention

Mango likes a moist environment when growing, and is not cold-resistant and afraid of waterlogging. In case of long-term drought, it will accelerate flower bud differentiation, bud and blossom ahead of time, resulting in early flowering. Therefore, in order to avoid early flowers caused by drought, it is necessary to timely irrigate the soil during the drought period to maintain soil moisture and maintain a certain humidity, but at the same time, it is also necessary to open irrigation ditches to prevent heavy rain, which can loosen the soil and increase permeability after watering. In order to avoid difficulty in root breathing, resulting in a decline in absorption.

4. High grafting and replacement

For the varieties which grow in high temperature and drought environment and are easy to bud and blossom in advance, the measures of high grafting and replacement should be taken to change the seeds into late-maturing varieties, so as to delay the flowering and pollination period of the plant, avoid the period of low temperature and rain, and avoid the occurrence of early flowering.

5. Adjust the florescence

And early flowering plants, their early inflorescences will be removed, the period of re-flowering, which can also postpone the flowering to a certain extent, making it stagger that period. Generally, when the inflorescence grows to 8-10cm, when the inflorescence is not fully mature, there will be no pollination, and there are certain times of picking flowers. Too many times of picking will lead to weak flower vigor and loss of pollination ability.

6. Drug flower control

In modern planting, inflorescence growth can be delayed by medicine. when the plant has begun flower bud differentiation, paclobutrazol or ethephon is sprayed once every ten days and half a month for 2-3 times in a row.

The above are the preventive measures for early blooming of mango. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about mango planting, please follow us.