
The latest control methods of common diseases and insect pests of navel orange

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Navel orange is a familiar fruit, which has good taste, rich nutrition and high dietotherapy value. Navel orange cultivation is also common and has good planting efficiency. However, the harm of diseases and insect pests in planting often affects its yield and quality, so what are the common navel oranges?

Navel orange is a fruit we are familiar with. It tastes good, is rich in nutrition and has high therapeutic value. Navel orange planting is also common and has good planting benefits. But in the cultivation of pests and diseases often affect its yield and quality, then navel orange what common pests and diseases? Let's take a look at its pest control methods.

1. Huanglongbing

Huanglong disease is a serious citrus fruit disease, which hinders the development of navel orange culture. The pathogen is gram-negative bacteria. At the early stage of disease, one or more leaves in the crown were yellowed, and its symptoms had three different manifestations. After infection, the plant weakened, the yield decreased, the fruit quality was poor, until the plant died. The disease is transmitted mainly through diseased seedlings, scions and insects.

Control methods: to prevent mainly, clean weeds and sick branches in the garden, burn or bury them intensively, select disease-free seedlings for planting, remove and burn diseased plants in time, disinfect diseased acupoints, or inject 1000ppm tetracycline hydrochloride or penicillin into diseased plants, which has certain therapeutic effect.

2, ulcer disease

Canker disease is a common disease in navel orange production process, which mainly damages the leaves and fruits of navel orange, often causes defoliation and fruit drop phenomenon after the disease occurs, so that the yield decreases sharply. After the fruit is infected with diseases, the appearance is extremely rough, the appearance is extremely poor, some even cannot be sold out, and it is easy to cause rot phenomenon when the fruit is stored, affecting the economic income of fruit growers. The leaves are infected with diseases at the young stage, causing serious defoliation and withered shoots, resulting in tree weakness, and serious death.

Control methods: strengthen garden management, reduce pathogenic bacteria, increase application of organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during planting, improve disease resistance of plants, cut off diseased branches and leaves in time after harvest, and then burn the fallen leaves and diseased fruits on the ground together. For the old branches with disease spots, the disease spots can be scraped off, the stone sulfur mixture is smeared, and the stone sulfur mixture is sprayed on the trunk to dissolve oxygen. The treatment effect is better.

3. Anthrax

Anthracnose is an infectious disease, but also has a long incubation period, harm branches, leaves, fruits, sometimes also harm branches and flowers, serious causes deciduous withered shoots, bark cracking, fruit rot, resulting in harvest failure. Irregular greyish white spots appear when the leaves are diseased, which preferably leads to leaf withering and falling off; while yellow brown spots appear on the surface of fruits when the disease occurs, the spots gradually expand, and finally the lesions rot.

Prevention and control methods: in winter to clean the garden work, the ground leaves, fallen branches, fallen fruits and so on all collected deep buried or burned, reduce pathogens, and in winter and spring spray disinfection and sterilization agents. Strengthen fertilizer and water management of orchard, enhance tree vigor, improve disease resistance, fertilize mainly organic fertilizer, do not apply chemical fertilizer or less, do not apply nitrogen fertilizer partially, prune reasonably, increase permeability between plants, reduce disease and insect pests.

4. Insect pests

The pests of navel orange mainly include red spider, scale shell insect and moth, which all cause damage to the leaves, flowers and fruits of navel orange. They like to absorb the juice of young parts of plants, resulting in damage to the growth nodes of planting, slow growth or stagnation, serious deciduous leaves and fruit drop, and may also lead to plant death, which is extremely harmful.

Prevention and control methods: pest control methods to agricultural and chemical control, to do a good job in orchard cleaning, reduce insect sources, timely spraying pesticide spraying.

The above are the common pest control methods of navel orange, I hope to help you, want to know more navel orange planting knowledge, please pay attention to us.