
"Grain branding" depends on the joint efforts of all parties.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The steady growth of grain output in China has not only effectively solved the problem of rice bags of the masses, but also provided a strong material support for economic and social development. In order to develop a brand in grain production, the key is to rely on the following forces: to implement the party and the state to the letter

The steady growth of grain output in China has not only effectively solved the "rice bag" problem of the masses, but also provided a strong material support for economic and social development. To brand grain production, the key is to rely on the following forces:

We should rely on the out-and-out implementation of the party and state's policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers. For example, the purpose of the relevant policy on "direct grain subsidy" is to solve the problem of the high price of agricultural means of production and the frustration of farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain. The relevant functional departments must earnestly fulfill the responsibility of supervision, supervision, and escort, and ensure that all policies of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers are implemented.

Rely on science and technology to improve the output and quality of grain. Rely on science and technology to solve two problems. One is the problem of grain output per unit area, and the other is the problem of pollution-free and pollution-free grain production. Through formula fertilization, promotion of biological chemical fertilizers, biological insect repellents and other ways to achieve the simultaneous promotion of grain production and pollution-free.

Realize the strategy of grain brand by stimulating the vitality of the market. It is necessary to give full play to the leverage of prices, arouse farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain, engage in large-scale operation and pollution-free production, and improve the quality of grain production by changing the concept of grain production, so that it can not only produce more. The key is to produce well. The government should build various platforms, provide various facilities, actively extend the industrial chain of grain production, constantly improve the added value of grain, and realize the transformation and upgrading of grain production through deep processing of all kinds of grain products.

Of course, there are still many forces that grain production needs to rely on to brand itself. For example, the construction of systematic grain production service system, food security traceability system and so on. As long as the forces of all sides come together, the strategic goal of branding grain production will certainly be achieved.