
How to make the leaves of orchids green and bright

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, As the saying goes, watching flowers for several days and admiring leaves for more than a few years, the bright cleanliness and integrity of orchid leaves is not only the standard for the health of constant orchids, but also a test of the skills of dill orchids. Although the orchids planted by many orchids look healthy. ...

The so-called orchid leaves are bright, clean and complete, which is not only the standard of constant orchid health, but also a kind of examination of dill orchid craftsmanship. although the orchids planted by many orchids seem to be healthy, their seedlings are normal, but the leaves are rough and dull, water stains, medicine stains, dust and so on seriously pollute the leaves, so it is difficult for such orchid seedlings to enter the elegant hall even if they are expensive! There is a loss of orchid wind, the appearance is very low! At the trust of Lanyou, the author introduces a few experiences for Lanyou for reference. Please correct me if you don't trust me.

Briefly state a few points:

The original value of tap water is between 50 and 300.

2. Foliar sterilization should not be excessive. Generally, the efficacy residue should be more than 20 days. Do not repeatedly apply pesticides during the interval. If orchids have been infected with pathogens, they must be isolated and managed and return to the orchid room for normal management after the orchid Yeshu. It is recommended that water-based fungicides should be used as far as possible.

3. Increase the relative air humidity of the orchid room to prevent dry wind / hot wind / strong wind from damaging the orchid leaves; if the orchid is raised on the roof or balcony, the corresponding humidifying equipment should be added to carry out microclimate intervention to keep the air humidity at 70% Mel 80%.

4. Close the orchid room to reduce the dust entering the orchid room and pollute the leaves; under some conditions, you can use wet curtains to filter the dirty air entered by the outside world; make the orchid room air moist and fresh! There is the use of gas exchange and orchid growth!

6. Wash the orchids with flood regularly, clean the leaves and prevent the accumulation of harmful substances and impurities in inorganic salts. Ventilation should be urgent after each shower, blow-dry the water in the leaf clip to prevent rotten heart, pay more attention to the bud stage!