
The latest planting method of thumb watermelon

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, We are all familiar with watermelons, but have you ever heard of thumb watermelons? Thumb watermelon, also known as mini watermelon, is a wild fruit native to Mexico and the Americas and is often grown there. After the thumb watermelon is on the market, it should have a unique shape and excellent taste.

We are all familiar with watermelons, but have you ever heard of thumb watermelons? Thumb watermelon, also known as mini watermelon, is a wild fruit native to Mexico and the Americas and is often grown there. Thumb watermelon on the market, due to its unique shape and excellent taste, favored by consumers, extremely popular, so do you know how to grow it? Let's take a look.

1. Select the place

Thumb watermelon can be cultivated in the open air in spring and summer, or in a greenhouse with sufficient light all the year round. when planting, it is necessary to choose the land with loose and fertile soil and convenient drainage and irrigation, and the soil had better be neutral or slightly acidic, which is beneficial to the variety and yield. Fertilizer should be applied in combination with soil preparation before planting, and enough high-quality mature organic fertilizer should be applied per mu to flatten ridges and facilitate drainage and irrigation.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

When sowing seedlings in a common hole plate, the substrate was mixed with 2 ∶ 1 of peat soil and vermiculite in proportion with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, and the substrate was mixed with wet plate when sowing. Put a seed in each hole, cover the substrate 1cm after sowing, keep the temperature between 25-30 degrees, often watering to keep the substrate moist, and strengthen the light, about 3-5 days after emergence, strengthen the management of light and water, about 25-35 days later, grow to four leaves in one heart can be planted.

3. Colonization

When planting, the weeds and residual plants in the field should be removed, and the soil should be disinfected and sterilized. 5000 kg of mature organic fertilizer, 80 kg of ternary compound fertilizer, 40 kg of diammonium phosphate 4 and 40 kg of potassium sulfate should be applied per mu. It is suitable to control the row spacing of 25 × 50-70cm and plant 4500-5000 plants per mu.

4. Field management

After planting, it is necessary to strengthen the management of water and fertilizer so that it has enough nutrients to grow and develop. Drip irrigation is used according to the plant growth condition and weather, usually once every 3-5 days, and so is fertilization. 4-5 kg per mu of compound fertilizer solution is used every 10 days. In addition, we should also pay attention to the adjustment of temperature and light, control the temperature at 25-30 degrees during the day and 15-20 degrees at night, and keep the temperature difference between day and night above 10 degrees, which can improve the quality. In the plant growth, it is necessary to draw the vine by hanging the rope in time, and combine with pruning and shaping to make it blossom and bear fruit normally, and pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests so as to avoid unnecessary losses.

The above is the thumb watermelon planting method, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.