
China urgently needs to build Grain Brand Grain quality is the Core Competitiveness

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On the whole, the construction of grain brand in China is still very backward, the grain brand has not formed a joint force, and there are few brands with international influence. The grain industry is entering the era of great circulation and great integration. It takes great courage to cultivate big grain merchants. Our country should support modern times from a strategic height.

On the whole, the construction of grain brand in China is still very backward, the grain brand has not formed a joint force, and there are few brands with international influence. The grain industry is entering the era of large circulation and great integration, and it requires great courage to cultivate large grain merchants. China should strategically support the development of modern grain processing enterprises, guide enterprises to strengthen internal integration and external association, and promote industrial restructuring. Cultivate a number of large grain merchants with international competitiveness

On the basis of the continuous bumper harvest of grain in our country, how to solve the contradiction between the growth of grain quantity, the improvement of quality and safety level and the upgrading of consumer demand? Promoting the construction of grain brand has found a feasible way for us.

Regional grain brands emerge

Through the models of government guidance, enterprise main body, market operation, policy support and financial support, to promote brand cultivation and integration, a number of regional grain brands have emerged.

Through years of grain brand construction, China has formed some regional grain brands, such as Beidahuang rice and Wuchang rice in Heilongjiang, corn in Gongzhuling City, Jilin, Panjin rice in Liaoning, Jingzhou rice in Hubei, high-quality wheat in Hebei, and so on. This grain brand has become an important resource for regional economic development.

In the Dongfu Rice Industry Co., Ltd., Dahuangdi Village, Gudianzi Town, Changyi District, Jilin City, Jilin Province, the production workshop paved with floor tiles is spotless, and the two rice processing production lines are fully closed. Dongfu Rice Industry Co., Ltd. is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization with rice planting and rice processing as its main industry. The "Great wasteland" is a well-known brand rice in Jilin Province. Liu Yanfeng, general manager of the company, told the Economic Daily that his company has a green rice planting base of 4500 hectares and an organic rice planting base of 600ha. In order to ensure the quality of rice, the company ensures the quality of rice from the source. While many companies are complaining about the high minimum purchase price for rice, Dongfu Rice Company buys rice at a price much higher than the minimum purchase price. "the organic rice and green rice we produce sell well. Although the price of rice is high, the profit is still considerable because we have a brand."

Taking the road of branding has become the consensus of the grain industry. Jilin Province is an important major grain producing area. In recent years, Jilin Province has promoted the construction of rice brands and integrated rice brands in the region. Rice brands represented by "Meihe Rice", "Yanbian Rice" and "Elm Rice" are very eye-catching in Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian and other major sales areas. Now, with the help of "Internet +", Jilin Rice has successfully logged on to Taobao. It is understood that Jilin Province is stepping up the formulation of rice brand construction plan, through the identification of geographical trademarks to improve the reputation of Jilin rice.

Similarly, Hubei Province, the main grain producing area of the old brand, is changing the situation of quality, quantity but no brand. Through the models of government guidance, enterprise main body, market operation, policy support and financial support, to promote brand cultivation and integration, Fuwa, Qiaomi and other well-known brands continue to emerge, driving regional economic development and increasing farmers' income. "at present, Hubei grain is moving towards branding, and our goal is to let Hubei people eat Hubei grain, so that more consumers across the country can eat Hubei grain." Xiong Guibin, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Grain Bureau, said.

Grain quality is the core competitiveness

The key to establishing a grain brand is to ensure the quality of grain and minimize the quality and safety risks from every link of grain production, storage, processing and sale.

The establishment of the "Beidahuang" brand benefits from the strict quality control of Beidahuang Group. Reporters have interviewed Beidahuang grain bases, processing enterprises, scientific research institutions, and product direct sales stores, and they strictly control the quality of every link in the long industrial chain from the field to the table. In grain production, they provide seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides to farmers through the development of order agriculture, and strictly control the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In the processing link, from the purchase and processing of raw grain to the storage of rice, strict quality inspection should be carried out to ensure that 100% of the products in and out of the warehouse are qualified. The head of the Yingchun rice company of Beidahuang Group said that there are more than 100 inspection items of rice from planting to processing, more than 60 items more than the national standard. In the sales link, the company has set up a market supervision department to conduct open and covert visits in the market on a regular and irregular basis.

The key to establishing a grain brand is to ensure the quality of grain and minimize the quality and safety risks from every link of grain production, storage, processing and sale.

In order to control grain quality, many enterprises have chosen to extend the industrial chain upstream and establish grain source bases. At present, Hubei Fuwa Group has built more than 10, 000 mu of organic rice production base, and the ecological rice planting area will be expanded to 100000 mu in the next 3 to 5 years. The construction of eco-agricultural base is the basis for Fuwa Company to ensure rice processing quality and maintain core competitiveness.

In recent years, the domestic grain industry has fully implemented the "rest assured grain and oil" project, the scientific and technological innovation of grain quality and safety is in the ascendant, and the national grain quality inspection and monitoring system has been established in an all-round way. A relevant person in charge of the State Grain Administration said that all grain and oil production and operation enterprises must assume the main responsibility for quality and safety and firmly adhere to the bottom line of grain quality and safety.

It is urgent to cultivate big grain merchants in China.

To promote the construction of grain brands, it is necessary to strengthen the overall planning of grain brands, rely on superior industries and take superior products as the core to build grain brands with Chinese characteristics.

As a big country of grain production and consumption, the influence of China's grain brand in the world is still very small, and there is a big gap between China and international well-known brands.

The main reason for this situation is that China's grain brand construction is still very backward on the whole. For example, the grain brand has not formed a joint force, lacks the overall planning and policy support of the grain brand, the market supervision mechanism is not perfect, the fake and shoddy products seriously damage the well-known grain brand, and the marketing system of the grain brand is not perfect. too many channels, too many channels, low degree of channel organization, and so on.

Therefore, to promote grain brand construction, it is necessary to give full play to the main role of the enterprise in the market and the supervision and guidance role of the government to form a joint force of brand construction. For example, the integration of grain brands, the current domestic grain brands "many and miscellaneous", but the internal competitiveness is not strong, external influence is small. The market share of each grain enterprise brand is relatively low, which is neither large-scale nor conducive to publicity. In this regard, the relevant departments should strengthen the overall planning of grain brands, rely on superior industries and take superior products as the core to build grain brands with Chinese characteristics.

Relying on the construction of local grain markets, some major grain producing areas actively promote local grain brands and broaden the sales channels of grain products. with advanced concepts and models to provide wholesale transactions, display direct marketing, logistics and distribution, e-commerce, information release and other omni-directional services, promoting the appreciation of grain brands.

At present, the grain industry is entering the era of large circulation and great integration, and the four major international grain merchants control 80% of the global grain trade volume. Domestically, although the competitiveness of large grain enterprises such as Cofco, Beijing Food Group and Shanghai Cereals and Oil is getting stronger and stronger, on the whole, the scale of China's grain processing enterprises is small, the layout is scattered, and there are few influential brands. China should strategically support the development of modern grain processing enterprises, guide enterprises to strengthen internal integration and external unity, promote industrial restructuring, and support qualified grain enterprises to "go out." cultivate a number of large Chinese grain merchants with international competitiveness.