
Matters needing attention in the latest planting of begonia fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Begonia is a rare fruit. Most of the time, people think that begonia is an apple, but it is not. Because the crabapple fruit is the fruit of the crabapple tree, which is completely different from the apple. Now there are a lot of people growing crabapple fruit, but the planting technology

Begonia is a rare fruit. Most of the time, people think that begonia is an apple, but it is not. Because the crabapple fruit is the fruit of the crabapple tree, which is completely different from the apple. Now there are a lot of people growing crabapple fruit, but the planting technology is not very mature. There are many points to pay attention to when growing crabapple. Today, the editor brings you some notes on planting crabapple. Let's have a look!

1. Planting environment

The most important thing in planting begonia fruit is to pay attention to the planting environment of begonia fruit. Begonia fruit is not suitable for growing in stagnant water environment and is more resistant to drought. Therefore, when choosing the planting site, we should pay attention to the environment where it is easy to drain and irrigate, with sufficient light and light, high soil fertility and less disease. Before planting, it is necessary to do a good job in soil preparation and disinfect the soil to prevent residual pesticides and diseases and insect pests from causing drug diseases. Then dig the planting hole according to the planting density, apply sufficient base fertilizer, the base fertilizer can choose mature farm manure, add appropriate amount of compound fertilizer.

2. Planting method

The planting method is the propagation method of begonia fruit, and the planting method can be selected if it is planted for the first time. But generally speaking, the main planting method is cutting, because the growth rate of seed planting is slow and the growth period is longer. When we use cutting planting, we should reasonably control the cutting spacing according to soil fertility and planting area. If there is adequate nutrition can be appropriate close planting, but not less than 3 meters. As far as possible to raise the utilization rate of soil to the highest, but also to ensure that they will not affect each other's growth and yield.

3. Fertilization, drainage and irrigation

The tree shape of begonia is larger and the yield is more, so the demand for water and fertilizer is relatively large. In the growth process of crabapple fruit, fertilizer should be applied at least twice a month, mainly to make base fertilizer. When entering the flowering stage, potassium fertilizer should be added appropriately to the fertilizer to prevent the senescence of branches. And because the begonia fruit can be harvested continuously, it needs to be fertilized every time it is harvested to provide sufficient nutrition for the follow-up new fruit to ensure the growth and development of the second year. Control the drainage and irrigation of the orchard. If you encounter dry and dry weather, you should water it in time. However, we should also pay attention to the amount of water, not too much, otherwise it will inhibit the respiration of the roots of fruit trees and hinder the absorption and transport of nutrients in the roots, so pay attention to drainage on rainy days.

4. Timely harvest

The harvest time of crabapple fruit is required, and it should not be harvested too early or too late. Because if the harvest is early, the begonia fruit is not fully ripe and the taste is not good, which affects the fruit quality and reduces the commercial value of the crabapple fruit. If harvested too late, it will not only increase the incidence of diseases and insect pests, but also not conducive to storage, which will have a serious impact on the yield. We should pick the fruit when it begins to turn red. Although it is not yet fully ripe, it can be ripe properly during storage. However, if the fruit is ripe for storage, soak the fruit with a preservative to prevent the fruit from rotting.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in planting begonia fruit, the management of begonia fruit is actually relatively simple, and the above points for attention are also the main points of management. Although the market of crabapple has not been fully opened yet, it has gained a certain popularity, and the market should gradually increase. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.