
What if the latest cherry doesn't bear fruit?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cherry is a kind of fruit that many people like. It has the effect of beauty, weight loss and weight loss. It is the favorite of many female friends. Recently, the editor has received many messages from growers. A common question is, why don't cherry trees bear fruit? Why not

Cherry is a kind of fruit that many people like. It has the effect of beauty, weight loss and weight loss. It is the favorite of many female friends. Recently, the editor has received many messages from growers. A common question is, why don't cherry trees bear fruit? Why didn't it end up? So the editor will post today to specifically answer this question for everyone.

1. The reason why cherries do not bear fruit

In fact, there are many reasons for the non-fruiting of cherries, such as unreasonable configuration of pollination trees, incomplete pollination, weather changes affecting pollination results, improper management of fertilizer and water, unreasonable pruning and shaping, harm of diseases and insect pests, and so on. these factors are the reasons for the non-fruiting of cherries. Secondly, there is the most basic reason, that is, the planting site is not selected properly. And the most important problem that leads to the non-fruiting of cherry trees is pollination, so let's take a look at the solution to the problem.

2. Solution

The non-fruiting of cherry trees is caused by many external factors, so we need to use different solutions to solve the phenomenon of non-fruiting according to different external factors. Let's take a look at the specific solutions.

Pollination method: whether pollination is completed or not, it determines the fruit set of cherries. First of all, we need to consider the configuration of pollination trees, that is to say, when planting cherry trees, we need a reasonable configuration of pollination trees, generally Chevron-shaped pollination trees, so as to ensure the results of pollination. Secondly, sometimes the result of pollination will be affected by the weather, so we need to carry out artificial pollination to ensure the success rate of pollination. The common methods are bee pollination and artificial pollen collection for auxiliary pollination.

Scientific pruning: pruning and shaping the branches and leaves of cherry trees, which is also one of the reasons why cherry trees do not bear fruit. The pruning of cherry trees mainly pays attention to summer pruning, usually during the period from the end of May to the beginning of June, the tips of the branches on the back are wiped off, and the tops of the trees are cut short by about 30 centimeters. It is necessary to pull branches in July and August, and the fruit branches should be pulled to about 90 degrees, which can control their growth and promote flowering.

Control water and fertilizer: we should not apply fertilizer blindly in the process of fertilization, so as not to affect the growth law of cherry trees. No partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, which will cause the branches to grow rather than bear fruit. In general, the period of young trees is mainly based on nitrogen fertilizer, combined with the use of potash fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, while in the fruiting period of cherry trees, we mainly use potassium fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, combined with the use of foliar fertilizer, so as to ensure the fruit. Watering needs to control the amount of water, and the humidity in the field can be kept at about 40% to 50. as a result, the moisture needs to be reduced appropriately in the later stage in order to accumulate sugar.

Flower promotion management: flower promotion management is actually the cherry tree in the growth process, the lack of some necessary trace elements, so that cherry trees can not bear fruit. In general, we need to spray boron fertilizer before the cherry tree blossoms, which helps to promote the growth of flower buds. If the cherry tree is boron, it will only blossom but not bear fruit. Finally, we also need to spray paclobutrazol concentration for flower and fruit protection, but the concentration should not be too high, otherwise things will be reversed at the extreme, resulting in serious flower and fruit drop phenomenon.

The above is what the editor would like to introduce to you today, the reason why the cherry tree does not bear fruit, and its solution to the lack of fruit. If you have any other questions in the process of planting cherries, you can leave a message for the editor and follow us, and the editor will continue to update it later.