
The main points of the course of the latest cultivation techniques and methods of Grape

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Grape is a kind of fruit that everyone likes to eat, and now there are many varieties of grapes. The planting area in China is also very wide, with the increasing market demand for grapes, more and more people are planting. But many people don't have the right species before planting.

Grape is a kind of fruit that everyone likes to eat, and now there are many varieties of grapes. The planting area in China is also very wide, with the increasing market demand for grapes, more and more people are planting. But many people do not have a correct planting method before planting, nor do they know what the main points of cultivation are. The following editor brings you the key points of grape cultivation techniques, let's have a look!

1. Digging holes to raise seedlings

The planting method of grape is generally the method of seedling cultivation and transplanting, so before planting, we should dig out the seedling hole, dig out the soil, and then put an appropriate amount of farm manure as base fertilizer. Control the amount of base fertilizer according to the planting area, cover the soil after applying the base fertilizer, mix an appropriate amount of mixed fertilizer into the soil, and rise above the ground after backfilling. When sowing, in order to ensure the vigor of seedlings and improve the germination rate, we can properly do a good job of accelerating germination, wrap the seeds with wet cloth to prevent water shortage, and strengthen management until seedling emergence after sowing. Then transplant at the right time from April to May.

2. Water management

After timely planting, it is necessary to do a good job in the management and change of grape seedlings, pour enough fixed root water after planting, then cover the plastic film and seal the outlet with wet soil to prevent water loss and improve soil water retention. Control the planting density, timely watering according to the growth of grapes, not too much water in the seedling stage, and small water when the soil is too dry. When the seedlings survive, increase the frequency of watering, according to the soil water content and grape growth stage timely watering, should not be watered when the temperature is too high. Therefore, in the high temperature weather in summer, we should avoid noon and water it in the morning and evening.

3. Set up a frame to draw the vine

Grape is a kind of vine fruit, so we should set up a shelf when the grape has not entered the peak growth period. the shelf should be strong enough to withstand the strong wind and prevent it from being blown away by the wind, causing damage to the plant. When the new tip of the grape grows to about 520 cm, it is necessary to do a good job of introducing vines, and apply fertilizer properly, and control the proportion of dosage and nutrition. After successfully introducing the vine, it needs to be watered every half a month, and watering is carried out together with the weeding work of ploughing and weeding to improve soil permeability, strengthen the absorption of water and nutrients, and promote the growth of grapes.

4. Shaping and pruning

The growth rate of grape branches is relatively fast, so in the peak period of grape growth, we should properly restrain the growth of branches and properly cut off the branches that are too dense and overgrown. And if the growth is weak, the weak and unhealthy branches should be cut off. And we also need to cut off the bud core in the main vine to prevent bad results and make the grape grow healthier. Then when the new shoot grows to about 28 cm, the healthy plant with strong growth ability should be selected as the mother plant to remove the rest of the branches to ensure the quality.

In addition, we do a good job of fixing seedlings after grape planting to ensure the same growth rate and yield of all grape plants. The growth of grapes is very strong, and the demand for water is relatively large, but we should pay attention to that there can be no stagnant water in the orchard, otherwise it will affect the growth of grapes and lead to counterproductive. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, want to know more related information, please continue to follow us!