
The main points of the latest course of fig cultivation techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fig is a popular fruit in China in recent years, and there is a very large market for fig juice and dried figs processed from figs. With the increasing market of figs, the planting area of figs is also getting wider and wider, but there are also some

Fig is a popular fruit in China in recent years, and there is a very large market for fig juice and dried figs processed from figs. With the growing market of figs, the planting area of figs is also getting wider and wider, but many people have failed to grow figs. In fact, it is caused by the immature planting technology, the following editor brings you the key points of the cultivation techniques of figs, let's take a look!

1. Proper reproduction

There are four ways of reproduction of figs, such as sowing and cutting. However, the growing period of sowing and reproduction is very long, and it is not recommended to be used in reproduction for the purpose of expanding the planting area. Usually the most commonly used method of propagation is cutting propagation, which has high survival rate, strong growth ability and convenience. General cutting time before and after Ching Ming Festival every year, we have to choose strong growth, disease and insect pests-free branches as sows for cutting. The temperature after cutting should be kept at about 22 degrees. Under normal management, it can take root in about 3 days.

2. Transplanting and planting

No matter which method of propagation is used in figs, it is usually the basic process of raising seedlings in a nursery bed and then transplanting in the field. When the seedlings emerge successfully or the branches take root and leaves, you can begin to transplant. Before planting, the soil should be ploughed and disinfected to improve soil fertility and promote the growth of seedlings. When planting, it is necessary to control the planting density, because the shape of the fig tree is relatively large after growing up, and if the plant is too dense, the trees will block and squeeze each other, which is not conducive to blossom and bear fruit. In the early stage, some low-stem crops can be properly intercropped to improve the utilization rate of land.

3. Reasonable thinning

Pruning is a necessary work for growing figs. As I just said, figs have a larger tree shape and luxuriant branches and leaves. If the pruning work is not done well, too many branches and leaves of the fruit tree will reduce the permeability of the orchard, affect the light absorption of the inner chamber branches of the fruit tree, and reduce the flowering and fruiting rate. In the seedling stage, it is necessary to do a good job of heart-picking and topping, promote the branching of young trees and expand the crown of fruit trees. When the seedlings gradually grow to small trees, they should start pruning to promote the growth of the plant, and keep about 4 main branches.

4. Strengthen the management

After successful planting, attention should be paid to the number of weeds in the orchard, especially at the seedling stage. The nutrition grabbing ability of weeds is very strong, if we do not do a good job of ploughing and weeding, it is very likely to lead to the lack of nutrition and death of seedlings. And appropriate watering and topdressing, each pair of fruit pruning, it is necessary to apply the right amount of compound fertilizer. The greatest water demand for figs is during the fruiting period, when the soil is moist and the fruit rate is increased. In other growth stages, there is no drought and no watering. If the soil is too wet, there will be root retting, which will lead to root rot and all kinds of diseases and insect pests.

After that, there is a brief introduction to the cultivation techniques of figs. The cultivation of figs is relatively long, and it takes a long time to reach the full fruit period. However, as long as it begins to bear fruit, it can be harvested for several years or even more than a decade in a row. of course, we also need to do a good job in orchard management and master the main points of planting. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, want to know more related information, please continue to follow us!