
The latest course on artificial pollination techniques of Apple

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Apple is the main fruit tree planted in China. Apple production is a big country in China every year. When planting apple trees, apple self-pollination ability is poor, so apple farmers need to strengthen the work of apple pollination in order to obtain high yield. So what about Apple?

Apple is the main fruit tree planted in China. Apple production is a big country in China every year. When planting apple trees, apple self-pollination ability is poor, so apple farmers need to strengthen the work of apple pollination in order to obtain high yield. So how do apples pollinate artificially? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Select species and pick flowers

Before pollination, the varieties with strong affinity with the main varieties should be selected as flower-picking and pollination varieties, and the flower-picking plants should reach the amount of flowers, which is in the early flowering stage. The time of picking flowers is usually 2-3 days before pollination, collecting bell flowers or early flowering, mainly edge flowers, after picking flowers, do not pile them together, so as not to breathe too much and lead to rot. When taking pollen, rub the two flowers relative to each other, leave the anther, remove impurities, spread the anther on paper and bake it on a fire pit of 20-30 degrees. Wait for it to crack and take out the pollen. Pollen can be placed in a dryer or in a container with quick ash, or it can be stored in refrigerators and freezers.

2. Point teaching method

When more than half of the flowers in the center of the apple tree bloom, you can give them on the same day. Brush, rubber pencil, cigarette filter, etc. Mix the prepared pollen with 3-5 times talcum powder or starch as a filler, and then use a tool to dip the pollen into each flower. It should be noted that pollination is that the central flower of the lateral and lower inflorescence should be ordered, and the top flower of the middle and short branch should not be given too much on one branch.

3. Powder spraying method

Although the fruit setting rate of the method is high, it is time-consuming and laborious, so it is not suitable for a large area of orchard, so the powder spraying method arises at the historic moment, adding 10-50 times of talcum powder or starch and stirring evenly. Use a dusting tool to spray and open flowers, but be careful to avoid windy weather.

4. Spray method

In addition to the powder spraying method, there is also a spray method in which pollen, sucrose and borax are mixed into a suspended aqueous solution according to a certain proportion, which is generally 5 kg of water, 15 grams of urea, 15 grams of borax, 250 grams of sucrose and 15-20 grams of dried pollen. When the central flowers of more than half of the fruit trees in the orchard are in bloom, it is the best time for pollination. The spray method can be used once a day for three consecutive days.

The above is the introduction of Apple's artificial pollination technology. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.