
The latest course on cultivation techniques of BlackBerry

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, BlackBerry, also known as dewberry, is a perennial vine of Rosaceae. BlackBerry has high nutritional value and is considered by the United Nations to be the third generation of new special fruit. Known as the fruit of life with black diamond, BlackBerry has been cultivated in China for nearly 40 years.

BlackBerry, also known as dewberry, is a perennial vine of Rosaceae. BlackBerry has high nutritional value and is considered by the United Nations to be the third generation of new special fruit. With the laudatory names such as "black diamond" and "fruit of life", BlackBerry has been cultivated in China for nearly 40 years. Now the planting area of BlackBerry is getting wider and wider, so how can we plant it if we want to grow it? The following editor brings you the cultivation techniques of BlackBerry, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

BlackBerry has high requirements on the soil and its surrounding environment. First of all, we should choose the soil with normal drainage and irrigation, deep and soft soil layer and rich organic matter. The soil PH value should be controlled at about 6.5 to ensure that the planting land is sunny. Then carry out the work of soil preparation, when preparing the soil, it should be ploughed deeply, and the depth should not be less than 25 cm. Apply sufficient base fertilizer, the base fertilizer is mainly fully mature farm manure, if the soil organic matter is insufficient, it is necessary to increase the amount of base fertilizer, adjust the proportion of nutrition, and supplement the lack of nutrition in the base fertilizer to ensure the healthy growth of BlackBerry.

2. Timely planting

The planting time of BlackBerry is generally in the early spring of each year, when planting, it is necessary to control the planting density and dig planting holes. Planting density according to soil fertility and other factors, such as medium fertility, the plant row spacing should be controlled at about 1.5 to 2 meters, to ensure that BlackBerry plants have enough space to grow. If the soil is sticky and low in fertility, then we should use the method of ditch planting and apply sufficient base fertilizer after digging and planting along the road. Separate the root of the plant from the fertilizer during planting to prevent root burning. After planting, cover the fine soil to the rhizome of the plant. After planting, enough fixed root water was poured to improve the survival rate of seedlings.

3. Fertilizer and water management

The soil should be thoroughly ploughed once a year in winter, and then an appropriate amount of base fertilizer should be applied to each plant according to the planting quantity. In the BlackBerry growing period, it is mainly available nitrogen fertilizer, mainly in the pre-flowering period and fruit development period. Pay attention to the proportion of nutrition when topdressing, and reasonably adjust the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. If the soil nitrogen is sufficient, it should be dominated by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, otherwise it should be dominated by nitrogen fertilizer. In mid-June, if there is little precipitation, it should be watered in time to ensure that the fruit absorbs water. But if there is too much water, pay attention to drainage.

4. Field management

BlackBerry is a semi-upright variety, so it is necessary to set up a stand and do a good job of drawing vines to the shelves when planting. A pillar is erected about 5 meters in the orchard, which is about two meters high to promote the growth of blackberries. Then we should do a good job of shaping and pruning, and when the sprouting branch grows to about 1.2 meters, we should pick the heart in time, control the growth height and promote the growth of lateral branches of the plant. Then tie it to the post to improve the permeability of the orchard and trim it at least three times a year to ensure the healthy growth of BlackBerry and create a good growth environment.

The above is a brief introduction to BlackBerry cultivation techniques. BlackBerry fruits are fragile and must be sterilized and frozen within four hours after picking, otherwise nutrients will be lost and lead to deterioration. Therefore, the market price of BlackBerry is very expensive, but it is not easy to grow, so I hope you must think carefully before planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.