
The latest course of techniques and methods for raising seedlings of olive trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Olive is a kind of fruit with many uses, and its olive oil is a very healthy oil, which is very popular in our country. The growth ability of olive trees is very strong, and the growth cycle is long, but when planting, some old growers due to the olive tree year

Olive is a kind of fruit with many uses, and its olive oil is a very healthy oil, which is very popular in our country. The growth ability of olive trees is very strong, and the growth cycle is long, but when planting, some old growers because the olive trees are too old. New trees must be cultivated to ensure planting benefits, so how to cultivate new trees? The following editor brings you the seedling technology of olive trees, let's have a look!

1. Seed selection and soaking

After the fruit of the old olive tree is ripe, the fruit is picked at the right time, the fruit is piled up and rotted together, and when the pericarp is rotten, the seeds can be taken out from the fruit. Wash the pulp and mucus left on the seeds, and then pick out dried seeds, diseases and insect pests and seeds with wounds. Soak normal seeds in warm water of about 35 degrees for about 2 days to promote seed water absorption and improve seed germination rate. In the process of soaking, the seeds should be stirred constantly, the water should be changed properly to prevent the seeds from lack of oxygen, and then the seeds should be put on the sand bed to promote germination.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

First of all, we should prepare the seedling bed and be afraid of low-temperature stagnant water in the olive seedling stage, so we should do a good job of soil preparation to improve the water retention capacity of the soil and facilitate drainage. Then apply sufficient base fertilizer, and the base fertilizer is mainly fully mature farm manure. When sowing, we should pay attention to the depth, do not pass the seed, and pour enough water after sowing to promote seed germination. The suture of the seed should be in full contact with the soil to prevent it from hindering the growth of the radicle and germ of the seed, resulting in bending. After sowing, plastic film should be covered to inhibit the growth of weeds, prevent the soil from being hardened by heavy rain and affect the emergence of seeds.

3. Timely transplanting

The lateral root growth ability of olive is poor, so the seedlings should be transplanted mainly when transplanting, and the value should be carried out when the seedlings grow to about 3 cm. Because the seed has not been fully extended at this time, one seed can produce about 2 seedlings, so it should be planted when transplanting to reduce the planting cost. It is necessary to wait until the seedlings grow 4 true leaves, which is also the time when the transplanting survival rate is the highest. When transplanting, we should pay attention to the planting density, not too dense, to ensure that there is sufficient growth space, but also conducive to the management of the middle and later stages.

4. Field management

After transplanting, we should pay attention to observe the weather changes, do a good job of shading, and then build a small film shed before winter, which can not only help olive seedlings through the winter, but also meet the light needed for growth. About 2 months after transplanting under normal management, the changes of seedlings began to take root and develop, and some growth and nutrition were needed at this time. However, it should not be too large, so foliar fertilizer can be sprayed properly. after this time, water and fertilizer work needs to be carried out once a month to ensure the normal growth of olive seedlings and meet the water and fertilizer needs for growth.

When transplanting, we should pay attention to protect the roots of the seedlings, especially the main roots, to prevent the injury of the main roots, and to make the roots of the seedlings fully contact with the soil when planting. Then keep only the true leaves of 1 beat 3 or so. Pouring enough fixed root water after planting can effectively improve the survival rate. The above is a brief introduction of olive seedling technology, this article is for reference only, thank you for your reading and support.