
Causes and Control measures of latest Plum Flower and Fruit drop

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Plum is one of the fruits favored by consumers in the market. With its increasing market demand, its planting area is also expanding. However, the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits often occurs during planting, which seriously affects the yield and the economic benefits of growers.

Plum is one of the fruits favored by consumers in the market. With its increasing market demand, its planting area is also expanding. However, the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits often occurs during planting, which seriously affects the yield and the economic benefits of growers, so what is the cause of plum falling flowers and fruits? Let's get to know it.

1. Low temperature frost

Plum trees blossom and bear fruit in early spring, when it is a period of low temperature, and the climate is changeable and extremely unstable. At this time, if the climate of low temperature and frost is encountered, it is extremely disadvantageous to the pollination and fertilization of plum trees. In serious cases, it will cause the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits.

Prevention and control measures: select varieties with strong cold resistance, apply overwintering fertilizer before overwintering, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in time to improve the cold resistance of plants, timely irrigate frozen water before frost, whiten or bind tree trunks, and smoke in orchards can improve cold resistance and frost resistance. Postpone exposure to cold protection after early spring to stagger the frost period and reduce the drop of flowers and fruits.

2. Improper fertilizer and water

In spring, it is overcast and rainy, the sunshine time is short, long-term such weather, plant transpiration is weakened, affecting the synthesis of nutrients, it is very easy to cause flower and fruit drop, in addition, when the soil is dry for a long time, it will also cause flower and fruit drop. Long-term non-fertilization or too little fertilization will also lead to flower and fruit drop due to lack of nutrition.

Prevention and control measures: the fertilizer and water management of pear trees in flowering period must be strengthened, irrigated in time during drought and drained in time after rain. Plum trees have a large number of flowers and need a lot of nutrition to supply and grow, so it is necessary to topdressing 4-5 times a year in order to ensure its nutrient demand. Re-apply base fertilizer in summer and autumn to supply nutrients for the plant for a long time; fertilize once before flowering to increase fruit setting rate; fertilize once during fruit expansion period to accelerate fruit expansion and improve yield and quality; fertilize once after fruit harvest to promote the plant to restore tree potential as soon as possible to lay the foundation for high yield in the following year.

3. Root system damage

In order to make the fruit trees grow well, many farmers fertilize the fruits in time to improve soil permeability, root growth and absorption. However, due to improper operation in mid-tillage, the root system of the plant was damaged, and the absorption of water and nutrients was weakened. the plant fell flowers and fruit due to lack of water and nutrients, and withered in serious cases.

Prevention and control measures: when ploughing, we must pay attention to the depth of ploughing, should not be too deep, according to the age of trees to determine the depth of ploughing, so as to avoid roots.

4. Diseases and insect pests

The main diseases of plums are bacterial perforation, gum disease, red spot disease and deciduous leaf disease, and pests are red spiders, aphids, shell insects, plum wasps, heart-eating insects, leaf moths and so on. They will cause harm to flowers, leaves and fruits, but also affect the tree potential, resulting in falling flowers and fruits.

Prevention and control measures: we must pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, improve the disease resistance of plants, prune the branches of diseases and insect pests after harvest in autumn and winter, reduce the sources of diseases and insect pests, and spray pesticide control in time when the disease occurs.

The above are the reasons for plum falling flowers and fruit and the introduction of prevention and control measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.