
The latest management points of blueberry cuttings

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Blueberry is a kind of berry belonging to Azaleaceae, which not only has a wide range of wild quantity in China, but also its cultivated area is increasing. However, due to the cultivation time is too long, some old growers need to continue to breed to protect their own planting benefits. Among them

Blueberry is a kind of berry belonging to Azaleaceae, which not only has a wide range of wild quantity in China, but also its cultivated area is increasing. However, due to the cultivation time is too long, some old growers need to continue to breed to protect their own planting benefits. One of the most commonly used propagation method is cutting propagation, so how to manage it after cutting? The following editor has brought the key points of blueberry cutting management, let's have a look!

1. Water management

Blueberries prefer water, especially after cutting to ensure sufficient water to promote the rooting of branches, we should ensure that the soil is moist. However, we should pay attention to the amount of water, neither too much nor too much. The water temperature should not be too low to prevent the growth of seedlings from being affected. The more important watering time after cutting is from May to June every year, when the branches gradually grow leaves, but the roots have not yet fully grown. If there is not enough water, it is difficult for the branch to take root, and in serious cases, it leads to the death of the branch. When the leaves of the branches gradually turn green, it means that the branches have begun to take root.

2. Rational fertilization

Different from other crops, it is not suitable to apply base fertilizer in the cutting substrate before cutting. And there is no need to apply fertilizer before the branches take root after cutting. if fertilized, it will have a certain impact on the rooting and growth of the branches. When the branches begin to take root, they can begin to apply fertilizer to promote the growth of branches and enhance their growth ability. When applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to the form of fertilizer, which is mainly liquid fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer should be controlled to prevent fertilizer damage. About once every 5-7 days in the early stage of its growth, and after each fertilization, we should pay attention to remove the fertilizer on the leaves to prevent leaf burning.

3. Transplanting and planting

After cutting, it is necessary to do a good job in fertilizer and water management, strengthen ploughing and weeding, and create a good development environment for blueberry branches. When the branch cuttings take root, the overwintering work is usually carried out on the seedling bed, but the lower temperature areas can be transplanted from September to October every year. And those who overwintered in the seedling bed should also do a good job in overwintering management, watering overwintering water, applying sufficient fertilizer, and then cultivating soil on both sides of the plant. Increase the soil temperature and enhance the cold resistance of the plant. After the temperature gradually rises in the spring of the following year, you can begin to transplant, and you should pay attention to transplanting with soil when transplanting.

4. Pest control

During the period of blueberry cutting, it is easy to produce all kinds of diseases and insect pests, so the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is also a key point of our management. We should disinfect the seedbed regularly, but we should pay attention to the use of disinfectants to prevent harm to blueberries. Then often observe the seedbed, after the discovery of diseased plants should be removed in time to prevent the spread of the disease. Then, according to the specific disease situation, the corresponding control agents were sprayed into the seedling bed. Do a good job of ventilation to prevent the greenhouse temperature from being too high and reduce fungal diseases.

The above is a brief introduction to the main points of blueberry management after cutting, and the management after cutting is very important. If mismanaged, it may lead to death, and even after survival, the growth ability of the plant is weak, the incidence of diseases and insect pests is serious, and the flowering and fruiting rate will be affected. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, friends who want to know more relevant information, please continue to follow us!