
The latest course on fertilization techniques and methods of carambola

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Carambola is a small evergreen tree of Oxalis family, is a very typical tropical fruit, carambola fruit is very strange, its cross-cut is the shape of a five-pointed star. Carambola has high nutritional value, strong growth ability and high demand for nutrition.

Carambola is a small evergreen tree of Oxalis family, is a very typical tropical fruit, carambola fruit is very strange, its cross-cut is the shape of a five-pointed star. Carambola has high nutritional value, strong growth ability and high demand for nutrition, so fertilization is essential in planting. So how to fertilize carambola? The following editor has brought the fertilization technology of carambola, let's have a look!

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Basal fertilizer is the key to ensure the robust growth of carambola in the early stage, which is generally applied to the planting hole when newly planted fruit trees. The base fertilizer is mainly rotten farm manure, combined with an appropriate amount of calcium superphosphate, usually the amount of base fertilizer in each planting hole is kept at about 20 kg, and farm fertilizer accounts for 80%. When applying the base fertilizer, the base fertilizer should be fully mixed with the soil, and then be backfilled. When backfilling, attention should be paid to about 20 cm above the ground to prevent stagnant water from affecting the growth of carambola seedlings. Base fertilizer needs to be applied every year after harvest in order to ensure the flowering and fruiting of carambola trees in the following year.

2. topdressing at the right time

The topdressing of carambola is mainly determined by various factors such as the age and fruit yield of carambola. For example, in the young tree stage, the nutrient absorption capacity is not strong, but it needs certain nutrition, so the young tree stage mainly applies a small amount of fertilizer. Topdressing is needed every year until November, and when the growth rate of carambola decreases gradually, stop the application of nitrogen fertilizer. Then the Winter Solstice applied rotten farm manure to each tree hole to enhance the growth and cold resistance of carambola trees. Should pay attention to the dosage, do not apply too much, too much is easy to cause fertilizer damage, resulting in diseases and insect pests, affecting the growth of carambola.

3. Winter fertilizer

The main application of winter fertilizer is very important, because after harvest, most of the nutrients in the fruit trees will leave the fruit trees with the fruit, resulting in lack of nutrition, tree potential decline, and low winter temperature, which is very disadvantageous to the growth of carambola. Therefore, the application of winter fertilizer can restore the growth of carambola as soon as possible, reduce the harm of low temperature in winter and improve the cold resistance of carambola. To prepare for the growth of the second year, the fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer should be determined according to the size, growth and fruit amount of the tree.

4. Promoting shoot fertilizer

Shoot-promoting fertilizer is mainly carried out at the time of spring shoot germination of carambola trees around April every year, and nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer. The aim is to promote the germination of spring shoots, ensure robust growth and increase the number of flowers. Then in the summer, we have to topdressing about twice, for some carambola trees that bear fruit more than twice, it can play a role in flower and fruit protection. However, in the south, it is rainy season, fertilizer is easy to be washed away by Rain Water, so it should be used in stages. At the same time, we should also pay attention to control the dosage, prevent fertilizer damage and increase the cost of breeding.

The above is a brief introduction of carambola fertilization technology, carambola fertilization work is very important. Because carambola needs a large amount of fertilizer, if the nutrition is insufficient, the amount of flowering and fruiting of carambola will decline in a straight line, affecting the planting efficiency. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, friends who want to know more relevant information, please continue to follow us!