
Notes on the latest pruning of rhesus monkey peach trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When planting kiwifruit trees, we must do a good job in pruning, and when pruning kiwifruit, we should pay attention to adjust the pruning methods according to the tree potential and age to prevent excessive pruning. After the pruning work is done, the ventilation and permeability of fruit trees can be improved and the light can be enhanced.

Kiwi trees must be pruned well when planted, and attention should be paid to adjusting the pruning method according to the tree vigor and age to prevent excessive pruning. After pruning well, it can improve the ventilation and permeability of fruit trees, enhance photosynthetic capacity, and improve yield and quality. However, there are many places that we need to pay attention to when pruning. The following small series brings you the precautions for kiwi pruning. Let's take a look together!

1. Due to tree pruning

When pruning, we should pay attention to observe the variety of kiwifruit trees, growth years and other aspects, because due to these factors in the pruning time, the method and intensity will have a certain change. Many fruit growers do not pay attention to these factors when pruning, blindly pruning. And long-term single use of the same pruning method, resulting in not long flourishing trees, causing bad phenomena such as big and small years.

2. Winter shear time

Winter pruning is a must for many fruit growers, but many times everyone will prune immediately after harvest. In fact, it will waste a lot of nutrients immediately. The period from harvest to defoliation is the accumulation of nutrients in kiwifruit trees, and the leaves can continue to carry out photosynthesis. If pruning time is too early, it will reduce nutrient accumulation and affect the flowering and fruiting of the following year. However, pruning too late is not good, pruning too late will delay the phenology of kiwifruit, reduce the rate of branch formation, resulting in fruit deformity and so on. It is best to prune about 10 days after defoliation.

3, processing pruning branches

When pruning in winter, most of the branches will carry diseases and insect pests, and the pruning objects are mainly old branches, branches with diseases and insect pests, etc. If not pruned in time, these branches will become a source of disease and insect pests in the orchard next year. Therefore, if we prune too high in winter, we should deal with these branches in time. If we do not deal with them in time, diseases and insect pests will recover their vitality in the spring of the next year and spread by branches, which will seriously affect the planting efficiency.

4. Decisive pruning

When pruning, be careful not to be reluctant. Many friends will not bear to cut off the branches and vines that grow strong and have many branches and leaves. This leads to chaos of kiwifruit tree shape, formation of excessive long branches, seriously reducing the permeability of fruit trees. It will not only consume too much nutrition, but also reduce the flowering rate of kiwifruit trees, increase the management workload and reduce the economic benefits of planting.

5. Pay attention to cutting buds

Many friends who planted for the first time did not pay attention to the situation of cutting buds when they were first pruned. They saw buds at the beginning and kept cutting them short, resulting in too many branches and forming too dense branches, so that the branches could not flower. When we cut short, we should adjust the treatment method according to the different branches, depending on the variety, growth and other factors. To timely thinning out long dense, cross, overlap and other branches without growth value, improve the permeability of fruit trees.

The above is a brief introduction to the precautions for kiwi tree pruning. Although the pruning work is cumbersome, it is the key to ensure the healthy growth of kiwi trees. Therefore, we must master a correct pruning method. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, thank you for your support.