
What problems should be paid attention to in the latest jackfruit planting?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Jackfruit is a typical tropical fruit, its shape is actually very similar to durian, but they are two completely different things. Jackfruit's nutritional value is also very high, and it can be said that his whole body is covered with treasures, and his pulp and tree sap can detoxify and relieve cough.

Jackfruit is a typical tropical fruit, its shape is actually very similar to durian, but they are two completely different things. Jackfruit's nutritional value is also very high, and it can be said that its whole body is covered with treasures, pulp and tree sap have the effect of detoxifying and relieving cough. So do you know what problems jackfruit needs to pay attention to when planting? Let's follow the editor to understand the points for attention in its planting.

1. Planting climate

Jackfruit it is a typical tropical fruit, which is naturally suitable for growing in a tropical climate. At present, its planting conditions have not changed much, and it is generally planted in humid places in the tropics. Jackfruit likes to be warm and humid, which shows that it is very unrealistic to plant jackfruit if the planting conditions are not met.

2. Planting time

Jackfruit can be planted all the year round, but in order to improve the survival rate of planting and ensure the growth and development of jackfruit in the later stage, we should pay attention to the time of planting. The best planting time is in March and April in spring and from September to November in autumn. The survival rate of jackfruit planted in these two periods was the highest, and the resistance was relatively strong.

3. Temperature and light

Jackfruit has a very high temperature requirement for planting, and if the temperature does not reach the planting standard, then jackfruit's chances of successful planting are slim. According to the analysis of the basic situation of jackfruit's growth, the annual average temperature suitable for its growth should be at least 22 degrees, preferably higher than 22 degrees, and not lower than 13 degrees when the temperature is the lowest in winter. otherwise, the jackfruit tree will be frostbitten, which will seriously affect the yield. In addition, jackfruit has more demand for light, and the light should last at least eight hours a day, so the planting land should be in the sunny plot.

4. Soil and fertilizer management

The soil of the planting land had better be a plot with deep soil layer, loose soil, sufficient fertility and good water storage performance. The second is the convenient transportation and good drainage near the planting site. Jackfruit's fertilization technology is the key to its high yield and high quality. During the period of jackfruit's young trees, we mainly used nitrogen fertilizer, which should be matched with the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Secondly, in the process of topdressing in the later stage, we need to use fertilizer species and amount reasonably according to its different growth stages and renewal conditions, and can not apply fertilizer casually, otherwise it will do great harm to jackfruit.

5. Pruning and thinning flowers and fruits

In the process of jackfruit's planting, we should also pay attention to the pruning of its tree shape, branches and crown. It needs to be trimmed according to certain principles. To maintain jackfruit's tree shape, but also to ensure the number of fruit branches, but also to control the structure of the crown, as well as the distance between branches at all levels. Flower thinning and fruit thinning is a point that many people will ignore in the process of planting. If it is to improve the economic benefits of jackfruit, we had better carry out flower thinning and fruit thinning in the full bloom and full fruit period, so as to avoid a large number of fruit drop caused by insufficient nutrition supply in the later stage, resulting in serious damage to the yield.

These are all the contents that the editor would like to introduce to you today about the planting of jackfruit. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about jackfruit's planting techniques, you can also continue to follow us.