
The method of improving the germination rate of Orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Most people who raise orchids look forward to a lot of orchid buds, which involves the problem of how to improve the seedling rate of orchids. Combined with my own experience of raising orchids, the author thinks that efforts need to be made in the following aspects. ...

Most people who raise orchids look forward to a lot of orchid buds, which involves the problem of how to improve the seedling rate of orchids. Combined with my own experience of raising orchids, the author thinks that efforts need to be made in the following aspects.


The first is to make sure that the roots are good and strong.

The new bud of orchid grows from the pseudobulb, which is the mother of orchid rooting, sprouting, leafing, budding and flowering. Although each seedling can produce about 6 blue buds in theory, there is only one bud per seedling, only the strong grass with luxuriant roots and leaves can produce Ssangyong, or even more, and the rest of the buds are dormant. It can be seen that improving the level of Yilan and making Lanhui flourish are the basic premise to improve the germination rate of orchids.

The second is reasonable ramet.

In China, the method of dividing plants in asexual reproduction is often used in the propagation of national orchid. If there are more orchid plants in the basin, the lack of nutrition will inevitably lead to fewer buds and weaker buds. Therefore, the ancients raised orchids with the saying that "if you are very weak, you will be close, and if you are very strong, you will be divided." There are many orchid plants in the basin, so it is necessary to divide them timely and reasonably, which is the most important and basic method to improve the germination rate of orchids.

Third, old grass is replanted to promote germination.

Generally speaking, old grasses with good roots can produce nutrients and transport them to the next generation, promoting the growth and development of new seedlings, while old grasses without roots or with poor roots are difficult to produce nutrients themselves, and the nutrients they need are provided by the new plants. on the contrary, such old plants are harmful to the growth and germination of new plants, and they must be planted separately, and it is generally appropriate to plant about 3 seedlings.

Fourth, sprain pseudobulb.

The specific method is in late autumn or mid-spring, combined with ramet turning basin, take out the orchid seedling, use both hands to hold the middle and upper part of the two pseudo-phosphorus stems and twist 90 degrees to 180 degrees in the opposite direction, so that the connecting stems are semi-separated, but can not be completely twisted. The sprain should be timely applied with methyl topiramate to prevent infection of bacteria, and then the orchid plant can be planted in the basin. In this way, the pseudo-bulbs of the father, father and offspring in the semi-separated state can sprout respectively. However, this method is only suitable for Cymbidium, Cymbidium and Jian Orchid with larger pseudobulbs, while Cymbidium and Chunjian with small pseudobulbs and short connecting stems are not suitable for use.

Fifth, single plant reproduction

It should be carried out in late autumn and early winter or late spring and early summer, and the connecting stem can be cut off without turning the basin. The operation steps are as follows: remove the plant material above the false bulb, expose the connecting stem between the two false bulbs, cut off the connecting stem with sterilized scissors or scalpel, disinfect the wound with methyl topiramate in time, and dry it for two or three hours. Fill in the sterilized plant material.

Sixth, the use of plant growth regulators

The use of orchid sprouting agent can double the germination rate of new seedlings and old grass, and can produce two to three or even four generations of seedlings a year. However, the buds can grow into mature seedlings only in a particularly superior modern greenhouse, and only strong buds can grow normally in a natural and semi-natural environment. At the same time, because the new grass promoted by hormones has been overdrawn, it can not germinate normally in the second year after introduction and cultivation in the natural environment, and it takes a year to recuperate before it can germinate normally.

Seventh, properly thinning the bud.

According to the strength of the potted orchid and in line with the principle of removing the weak and staying strong, the magnolia should sparse the buds in time for the new buds after the Beginning of Winter and the buds from the dragon grass. Generally, the potted strong grass Chunlan leaves two or three buds, and the cymbidium leaves one bud. This can concentrate nutrients and help Orchid to improve the germination rate.

Eighth, it should be properly drenched in spring.

Spring rain plays an irreplaceable role in the growth of plants. Practice has proved that as long as the air pollution in the place of residence is not heavy, the amount of pollutants in the air will be greatly reduced after half an hour of rain in spring, and then the orchid will be drenched in the rain, which is very beneficial to the growth of orchid buds.

Ninth, appropriately shorten the dormancy period of orchids.

Orchids go through two dormant periods in summer and winter in a year. Orchid farmers can achieve the purpose of multi-sprouting by properly shortening the dormant period of orchids. The specific methods are: starting from the Beginning of Spring, raise the orchid room temperature to more than 15 ℃ for about a month, so that the orchid changes from dormancy to growth ahead of time, so as to promote the orchid to sprout early; second, when the summer orchid room temperature is higher than 30 ℃, find ways to reduce the small environment temperature to about 25 ℃, shorten the orchid summer dormancy time, prolong the growth time.