
The Culture method of Jian Lan

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Jianlan likes to be moist but afraid of waterlogging, so the cultivation environment needs to be sprayed frequently to increase humidity, and the ideal air relative humidity is 65-70%. At the same time, it is often sprayed to the leaves in the summer and autumn dry season. The lowest humidity is generally not less than 50%, otherwise dry pointed yellow leaves. ...

2.1 temperature: the winter temperature should not be lower than 3 °, otherwise frost damage. Under the condition of suitable temperature and humidity, most varieties can blossom twice in a year, among which some varieties called Cymbidium can blossom four times, can not tolerate high temperature above 32 °and frostbite below 0 °. The plant blackened and died.

2.2 humidity: Jianlan likes to be moist but afraid of waterlogging, so the cultivation environment needs to be sprayed frequently to increase humidity, and the ideal air relative humidity is 65-70%. At the same time, it is often sprayed to the leaves in the summer and autumn dry season. The lowest humidity is generally not less than 50%, otherwise dry pointed yellow leaves. The hot and humid weather in summer and autumn needs to strengthen ventilation to prevent root rot and stem and leaf rot.

2.3Illumination: Jian Lan likes to scatter enough light to fear darkness, the daylight illuminance is generally suitable for 8000~10000LX, the sun is shielded by 7080% in summer and autumn, 3040% in winter and spring, sunshade net is used in shed or glass house, and ordinary transparent curtains are used in domestic maintenance. However, all-day sunshine can be accepted in winter and spring when the daily temperature is below 10 °, in order to increase the temperature and sprout and enhance the disease resistance of the plant.

2.4 Plant material and proportion: the root system of Jian Lan is developed and sturdy, and it has high requirements for soil air permeability. Therefore, the plant materials are mainly composed of coarse and hard particles, in which the inorganic particles are 7~10mm pebbles (no sharp corners), perlite, ceramsite, burnt soil, goldstone (orchid stone), broken bricks (no sharp corners), one or two of which are compounded, and the organic plant materials are peat soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil, fermented peanut shell, fermented sawdust, fermented log shavings, rotten bark, etc. When mixing soil, the volume ratio of inorganic granular plant material to organic plant material is generally 2: 1 or 3: 2. The peat soil in Germany is of good quality, but the particle diameter is very small, and the total amount should not exceed 30% of the total volume.

Because the inorganic coarse-grained plant material has a stable aggregate structure, there are enough gaps between the large aggregates for air storage and circulation (forming capillaries), coupled with a certain amount of relatively stable organic matter and fertilizer, the cultivated soil prepared with such plant materials and proportions can leach and contain organic matter, which is conducive to daily management and healthy growth of Jiandan, and can reduce the incidence of diseases. This modern plant material ratio is suitable for the physiological structure and natural habits of orchids. It is more scientific and progressive than the ancients in raising orchids, and it is more suitable for large-scale cultivation.

Of course, it can also be planted with whole water moss and moss, but it is difficult to manage water and fertilizer, and a little carelessness or bad environment will cause root rot. The planting material can also be made of yellow sand soil and sawdust and an appropriate amount of coarse river sand.

In short, the source of plant material is very wide, the proportion is varied, as long as the orchid is raised well, it can be a good plant material. However, it is not recommended to raise orchids with ordinary planting soil and clayey soil, which is poor in air permeability and easy to agglomerate.

There is no omnipotent plant material and proportion, we should adhere to the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions, and find the plant material and ratio suitable for our own planting and breeding habits and environment. In general, the proportion of coarse-grained plants should be increased in high-temperature, humid and rainy climate, on the contrary, the proportion of fine-grained organic plants should be increased in low-temperature and dry climate. Generally speaking, the two kinds of climate change alternately in a year, so it is generally adopted to turn the basin and change the soil at the end of spring and autumn to deal with the climate change, by adjusting the formula of plant materials to meet the needs of orchid growth in different seasons, and can reduce the incidence of diseases.

2.5 pots: take the plain pottery or tile basin with good permeability as the top, the porous plastic basin takes the second place, and the glazed porcelain basin has the worst effect.

2.6 watering: there is no fixed pattern for watering orchids, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, soil water content and wind power. Unless artificial pre-flowering water control to promote flowers, otherwise should keep the pot soil plants in a moist but not wet state, the so-called dry and wet view is actually unscientific, unable to grasp the dry humidity of plants.

The difficulty of orchid cultivation is determined by the particularity of its roots, so it is necessary to raise orchids well. the key for beginners to raise orchids well is that the roots are not raised well, and the reason why the roots are not cultivated well is partly related to the plant material, mainly because they do not grasp the timing and amount of watering. When watering, the root is not watered or watered thoroughly, and the root is dry (the water molecules in the root cells enter the plant material and die) When it should not be watered, it is poured every day, resulting in drowning and decay of the root (anaerobic respiration of the root produces lactic acid and alcohol poisoning, and anaerobes multiply). This is also the origin of watering for three years.

The orchid root is a fleshy root, most of which is made up of living cells, unlike many plants that eradicate the root tip, most of them are Lignified. Therefore, the oxygen demand of living cells of Langen (living cells need a lot of oxygen for aerobic respiration to sustain life) is far greater than that of other roots. Therefore, Langen has high requirements for air permeability of plant materials, especially for Jian Lan with thick and strong roots. And Langen has no root hair, it all depends on cell infiltration to absorb water outside the cell membrane, and the water must be on the root, and both gravity water and adsorbed water can not be used, only capillary water can be used by the root, and if it is a little farther away, it can not be absorbed at all, it can be seen that water and gas are a pair of contradiction, more water in the plant material must have less gas, and more gas must have less water. Therefore, the principle of timely watering and thorough watering is here, and the principle of the use of coarse plant material is also here.

According to the experiment, the theory of modern plant physiology holds that the best time to cultivate plants is when the moisture content is 70%. When the moisture content of orchids is less than 60%, it will affect the normal growth and development of orchids. The author does not know what plant materials are used to determine these data, because the water absorption of different materials is different, that is, the moisture content is different, and the rate of water loss is different, which can not be used as a basis for watering orchids. The most intuitive and objective way is to insert fresh unspoiled bamboo sticks or sticks into the plant at a depth of less than 5 cm to observe the changes in color to confirm the degree of dryness and wetness of the soil, so as to determine the timing of watering. Of course, advanced instruments can also be used for measurement.

It is worth noting that the watering cycle and amount of watering of orchids are closely related to the different physiological periods of orchids. During the vigorous vegetative growth period, more watering should be done frequently, high temperature and humidity weather, less watering or even no watering should be controlled before flowering and flowering. After all, orchids are rarely dried and drowned, and the drought tolerance of Langen is very strong. As long as the environmental humidity is appropriate, some orchid varieties will not die if they are not watered for a month.

My basic practice of watering is: when the temperature is low in winter and spring, water thoroughly every 7-10 days, in the morning or near noon, and shorten the interval when the air is dry. When the temperature is high in summer and autumn, it should be watered once every 3 days and after the sun goes down in the afternoon. It should not be watered on rainy days and should not be watered at high temperature in the afternoon. Spring and summer thunderstorm muggy weather to pour cooling water to prevent root rot, at the same time increase ventilation, natural no wind, then use exhaust fan, electric fan ventilation.

2.6 ventilation: needless to say, the basic requirements of orchid cultivation are closely related to the ventilation of orchid roots and the respiration of leaves. At the same time, ventilation can inhibit the growth of bacteria, especially the growth of some anaerobic bacteria. It is best to be ventilated on six sides, that is, the six sides of the flowerpot: up and down, left and right, front and back position to maintain ventilation, no shelter, good ventilation, less orchid disease, strong plants.

The problem of watering has been made clear, and then let's talk about the growth of orchids. Earth gas used to be said to be very mysterious, in fact, from the point of view of plant pedology, it is the moisture (gaseous water) and heat (heat storage of the soil) of the soil, as well as the air condition and fertility of the soil. We know that the wild environment of orchids is basically shaded, sunny, ventilated and decaying soil, basically on the southeast slope under the jungle, and rich in precipitation. At the same time, it is rarely born in low-lying water shaded and sunless places (this is a good place for bryophytes to grow). Such a place is a place with good earth atmosphere, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the amount of water is appropriate, moist but not waterlogged, but indoor potted orchids are not worth talking about because the area and volume of potted soil are extremely limited. We can only artificially create "earth atmosphere", including the above many factors have to rely on manual control, which is also the difficulty of indoor orchids.

2.7 Fertilizer: orchids like thin and thin fertilizer plants, because the prepared plant material contains less fertilizer and is not comprehensive, so thin fertilizer must be applied frequently. There are also a wide range of fertilizer sources, and there are many kinds of self-made organic fertilizer and commercial fertilizer. Domestic orchids are recommended to use commercial compound fertilizer to reduce unnecessary trouble and prevent pollution of indoor environment and breeding of insect pests. In order to save time and effort, it is recommended to use compound granular slow-release fertilizer, which can be placed evenly under the soil of about 3 cm along the edge of the basin. Do not touch the orchid root and false corm, each pot is 2g 3G, and add some special fertilizer at the right time. The following are the main points of fertilization summarized by Lanyou for reference:

Germination period: nitrogen fertilizer was diluted in proportion and then diluted 8-10 times, so that there was fertilizer for each watering, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was sprayed 5-6 times a month. Ensure that the orchid plant will be fertilized in time after awakening, so as to lay a good foundation for the emergence of the orchid plant. Fertilizing should be diligent and light.

Spring growth period: when the lowest temperature reaches more than 12 degrees Celsius, nitrogen and potash fertilizers are diluted in proportion and then irrigated once, which promotes the rapid division of Reed cells of the mother plant and the differentiation of new buds. This period is the golden season for the growth of orchid plants. Timely fertilization is very important in a year's production, do not fertilize too much to damage orchid plants, and should strictly reduce fertilization in accordance with the instructions. Self-made cake fertilizer had better be used after experimental observation, and do not act in haste. Because the content of this kind of fertilizer is not accurate, it is easy to cause losses. Generally dilution of 500 times will not be a problem (not absolutely). With the gradual increase of air temperature, the new buds expanded rapidly, supplemented by phosphate fertilizer. Daylighting as far as possible, give full play to the physiological function of the plant, quickly absorb and convert fertility, carefully observe plant growth after fertilization, and find that fertilizer damage should be irrigated or turned over in time.

Spring peak growth period: since we apply root fertilizer proportionally soon, most of the plants still contain some residual fertility, so it is not suitable to apply fertilizer deliberately. It is only necessary to apply it according to the proportion of 1cm and 8 times combined with watering. Spraying foliar fertilizer once every 3 days does not hinder the normal growth and development of orchid plants, and pure coarse material can supplement root fertilizer for once.

Stagnant period. During this period of time, due to the high temperature, most orchid plants stagnated, even if the new seedlings grew very slowly, and the father grass was pregnant with flower buds at this time, so it is still necessary to spray some phosphate fertilizer to promote the father grass to flower.

The growth is exuberant in autumn, during this period, the new buds basically grow into seedlings, and a few are semi-mature seedlings, which can grow into big grass and strong seedlings in autumn, the flower buds of father grass are basically unearthed, and a few new strong seedlings appear occasionally. Those who have flower buds should stop applying root fertilizer, foliar fertilizer should be halved as appropriate, and non-flower orchid plants can be proportionally irrigated with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once to ensure that the new Reed head is huge in that year, and there is no hope of blooming next year.

During hibernation, orchid plants basically stop growing, and orchid plants maintained on the balcony and indoors still need a small amount of foliar fertilizer, usually 2-3 times a month, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and sprayed at noon in sunny weather.

In addition, there is a similar detailed introduction in Xu Dongsheng's monograph. Just read the book for yourself.

2.8 Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: there are very few pests in domestic orchids, mainly sterilization and disinfection, commonly used drugs are methyl topiramate, carbendazim, etc., the right medicine to the case, especially in the high temperature and humidity season, not much sterilization is done every half month. mainly according to the drug instructions to spray foliar after dilution, specific disease identification and measures can be seen in the book "Orchid Diseases and insect pests diagnosis and treatment Map".

That's all we have to say about the cultivation and management techniques of Jianlan. Please correct the improper places and communicate again if you have any problems.