
The latest cultivation method of pomegranate seedlings

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When planting pomegranate, pomegranate seedlings are a basic condition for planting, but many growers say that the effect of pomegranate seedlings after planting is not very ideal. So can we cultivate pomegranate seedlings by ourselves? Pomegranate saplings should again

When planting pomegranate, pomegranate seedlings are a basic condition for planting, but many growers say that the effect of pomegranate seedlings after planting is not very ideal. So can we cultivate pomegranate seedlings by ourselves? How to cultivate pomegranate saplings? Let's give you a brief introduction by the editor.

1. Arrangement of seedling land

Before carrying on the pomegranate seedling cultivation, we need to select the seedling site, and then arrange the seedling site. Pomegranates do not have high requirements for soil, and pomegranates can be planted where fruit trees can be planted, but it is best to choose plots with soft soil and good water and fertilizer conservation, flatten the land and fine the soil, and then apply sufficient farm manure to the soil, turn it over and mix it evenly. Finally, the seedling land is made into a border with a width of 1.2 meters and a height of 30 centimeters.

2. Variety selection

Now there are many varieties of pomegranate, so we should choose the one with the best performance-to-price ratio and suitable for local planting. At present, the most popular pomegranate on the market is soft seed pomegranate, this variety is really very good, no matter the output or quality, or even in the market price is very good. Of course, we can also plant more varieties, which can reduce the risk of planting and improve the economic benefits of planting.

3. Seedling raising method

There are several cultivation methods of pomegranate seedlings, which are seed propagation, striping cultivation, cutting cultivation and grafting cultivation. Seed reproduction is very simple, that is, the selected pomegranate seeds are evenly scattered on the whole nursery ground, then the seeds are covered with soil, watered, and covered with a layer of straw or plastic film. Striping propagation usually involves pressing the annual branches of garnet into the soil to cultivate them, and then transplanting them when they grow new roots. Cutting propagation is to select pomegranate tree high-quality, robust biennial branches, cuttings inserted into the soil to raise seedlings. Grafting propagation is more complex, it is necessary to select high-quality perennial pomegranate branches, grafted on the selected rootstocks and use the grafting technique to cultivate seedlings.

4. Seedling stage management

After the pomegranate seedlings are propagated, the seedling management of pomegranate seedlings is also different because of different seedling methods. For example, after the emergence of seedlings, we need to remove the straw or plastic film in time so as not to affect the growth and development of pomegranate seedlings. At the same time, we should pay attention to proper watering and fertilization to promote the growth of seedlings. Cutting propagation needs to pay attention to the survival of seedlings, generally do not need too much water, so as not to cause branch rot, but also need a certain amount of water, otherwise dry branches will also affect the survival rate. Grafting reproduction will not be able to remove the bound film until the interface is healed and new branches and leaves are grown. On the other hand, there is nothing to pay attention to, but the management in time of peace is basically the same.

The above is the introduction of the cultivation methods of pomegranate seedlings. I hope I can help you. At the same time, thank you very much for your reading and support for the editor. The editor will continue to update in the later stage to bring you more wonderful content to share.