
The latest course on fertilization techniques and methods of Lotus Fruit

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lianwu, also known as Yangpu peach, purple peach, Shuipu peach, is a kind of nutritious fruit, but also has a certain medicinal value and health value. If you want the lotus to grow more fruit, the fertilization must be done well, so how to fertilize the lotus? Together

Lianwu, also known as Yangpu peach, purple peach, Shuipu peach, is a kind of nutritious fruit, but also has a certain medicinal value and health value. If you want the lotus to grow more fruit, the fertilization must be done well, so how to fertilize the lotus? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Fertilization for young trees

The principle of frequent and thin fertilization should be allowed for lotus young trees, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, to promote the growth of young trees, do not apply fertilizer, so as not to cause root burning, resulting in poor root growth, serious will lead to the death of young trees. Generally, within six months of planting, animal manure and urine fertilizer with a concentration of 10%, 15%, and 15% should be applied once a month, which can promote the growth of new roots and shoots of young trees, and then be fertilized every January-February, usually before the emergence of new shoots, to provide sufficient nutrients for new shoot growth.

2. Topdressing by stages

Nelumbo nucifera needs a large amount of fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the early stage, and pay attention to the amount of nitrogen fertilizer during flower bud differentiation. If excessive nitrogen fertilizer is applied, it will flourish and grow, and re-apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer after fruit expansion to promote fruit development and improve yield and quality. Generally, the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium each accounts for 50% of the total fertilizer application before opening an account. The remaining nitrogen fertilizer and 25% phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are applied during the flowering and fruiting period, and the remaining 25% phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied during the harvest period.

3. Foliar fertilizer spraying

When there are many fruiting trees, the nutrients absorbed by the roots can not meet the growth and development of the fruit, so the plant nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements can be maintained by foliar spraying. In addition, when planting in coastal areas, the soil salinity is high, so it is necessary to use fresh water to wash salt, reduce the soil salt content, improve the soil structure and make the plant grow normally.

4. Points for attention

After the catalysis of lotus fog, attention should be paid to the supply of nutrients, the supply of nitrogen fertilizer during flowering, the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and the supply of trace elements, so as to avoid plant deficiency. In the fruit-increasing period, it is necessary to supply high potassium fertilizer and increase the application of foliar fertilizer to increase the trace elements that may be lacking, so as to ensure the nutrient demand for flowering and fruit. Attention should be paid to the application of nitrogen fertilizer in the flowering and fruit stage. in order to increase the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, many fruit growers will lead to the vigorous growth of plant branches and leaves, compete for nutrients with the fruit, and lead to poor fruit quality, which is counterproductive.

The above is the introduction of Lianwu fertilization technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.