
The main points of the latest passionfruit transplanting techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Passion fruit is a new type of fruit, which has been sought after by many people after it was put on the market. Now the planting area of passion fruit is very extensive, and the planting of passion fruit is generally based on seedling and transplanting. Seedling transplanting can effectively improve the growth of passion fruit seedlings.

Passion fruit is a new type of fruit, which has been sought after by many people after it was put on the market. Now the planting area of passion fruit is very extensive, and the planting of passion fruit is generally based on seedling and transplanting. Seedling transplanting can effectively improve the growth ability of passion fruit seedlings and increase the yield. So is there anything we need to pay attention to when transplanting passion fruit? Next, let's take a look at the key points of passion fruit transplanting techniques with the editor.

1. Transplanting density

Passion fruit is a kind of vine fruit plant, its branches are relatively long. Therefore, when transplanting, we must pay attention to control the transplanting density, if it is scaffolding cultivation, then the plant row spacing should be controlled at about two meters. Should not be planted too dense, otherwise it is easy to affect the absorption of light, nutrients and other substances, hindering the growth of passion fruit. After controlling the row spacing, dig the planting ditch and control its depth at about 25 cm. Then put in mature farm manure and the right amount of compound fertilizer, and then plant. After the planting survived, the hydraulic pressure of the plant should be pulled out in time, and the nutrition should be concentrated on the top bud to promote the plant to climb and set up the frame.

2. Soil control.

Although passion fruit has a strong adaptability, there is no great demand for soil. But it can not be planted in low-lying areas prone to stagnant water, it is best to choose it in the fertile, soft and deep soil with normal drainage and irrigation. This can effectively improve the survival rate of transplanting. The PH value of the soil should be controlled at about 6. Excessive acidity is easy to affect the growth of passion fruit and cause a variety of diseases and insect pests. Therefore, in summer and other high temperature seasons, attention should be paid to neutralizing soil acidity and alkalinity, improving soil structure and ensuring the normal growth of passion fruit seedlings.

3. Ensure the light

Passion fruit has a great demand for light in the process of growth. Therefore, we need to provide some light time for passion fruit seedlings after transplanting, promote the growth of vines, strengthen photosynthesis and increase the accumulation of photosynthetic matter. If the light demand of passion fruit seedlings is not met, then the growth rate of passion fruit will be reduced, and the branches will grow, and there will be falling flowers and fruit after entering the flowering and fruit stage. Therefore, in the process of planting, we should control the light time to about 12 hours a day.

4. Temperature

Passion fruit also has a great demand for temperature. When transplanting passion fruit seedlings, we must pay attention to control the temperature, do not transplant in low temperature environment, and we also need to do a good job of heat preservation. When controlling the temperature of passion fruit, it can be managed according to the temperature demand of tomatoes. Before overwintering, we must cover the soil with plastic film, improve the heat preservation capacity of the soil, and help the passion fruit survive the winter successfully, otherwise the branches of the passion fruit will be easily frozen, resulting in the death of the whole passion fruit plant.

The above is a brief introduction to the main technical points of passion fruit transplanting. The seedling and transplanting of passion fruit is very important, which directly affects the follow-up growth of passion fruit, and is closely related to the yield and planting benefit, so we must pay more attention to it.