
Abandon the old road of traditional development and take a new path of modern agriculture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, China has made great achievements in agricultural and rural development, but it should also be noted that various risks and challenges faced by agricultural development are accumulating. Especially after the eleventh consecutive increase in grain production, the situation of agricultural transformation has become more urgent. If we continue to continue the agricultural tradition

In recent years, China has made great achievements in agricultural and rural development, but it should also be noted that various risks and challenges faced by agricultural development are accumulating. Especially after the "eleventh consecutive increase" of grain production, the situation of agricultural transformation has become more urgent. If the traditional mode of agricultural development continues, the increase of stable grain income will be difficult to sustain, and the sustainable development of agriculture will become empty talk.

On August 7 the General Office of the State Council issued the opinions on speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and put forward the grand goal of making positive progress in changing the mode of agricultural development by 2020 and achieving remarkable results by 2030. This is the first important document for systematic deployment to transform the mode of agricultural development at the national level. From stabilizing grain production capacity to innovating the mode of operation, from adjusting agricultural structure to controlling agricultural pollution, many policies and measures of real money will provide a real starting point for the transformation of agriculture.

Hide grain in the land, store grain in technology

To enhance grain production capacity and improve the level of food security is the primary prerequisite for the transformation of agriculture. The "opinion" proposes that the production capacity of rations should be implemented in the fields.

"to achieve this, the core is to shift from paying attention to annual output to paying more attention to protecting and improving grain production capacity, so as to store grain in the land and technology." Zeng Yande, director of the planting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, analyzed that the so-called storing grain on the land is to adhere to the red line of cultivated land and comprehensively carry out the delimitation of permanent basic farmland to ensure that the amount of cultivated land does not decrease. We will carry out the construction of high-standard farmland, focus on the production of wheat and rice, give priority to building 700 million mu of paddy and irrigated land into high-standard rations, and implement actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land. The so-called storing grain in technology means to take the connotative development road of relying on scientific and technological progress and increasing per unit yield. It is necessary to continue to tackle the key problems of green production increase, promote excellent varieties and standardize the green technology model of high yield and high efficiency.

Up to now, there are more than 3.41 million farmers with an operating area of more than 50 mu, 1.412 million farmers' cooperatives have been registered and the number of family farms has exceeded 877000. In order to innovate the mode of agricultural operation and speed up the cultivation of new types of subjects, the "opinions" propose to study and reform the agricultural subsidy system, so as to tilt subsidy funds to new types of agricultural operators such as grain farmers and family farms; to guide the establishment and improvement of an agricultural credit guarantee system supported by finance throughout the country.

"the new main body of management, coupled with the socialized service of agriculture, is the ideal pattern for changing the mode of agricultural development." Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Rural Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the core of the transformation mode is to support various forms of appropriate scale operation of agriculture. On the one hand, farmers should be guided to transfer contracted land by means of subcontracting, leasing, exchange, and shareholding in accordance with the law; on the other hand, measures such as financial support and credit support should be taken to speed up the cultivation of agricultural business service organizations and actively promote cooperative, trusteeship, order and other service forms. In short, we should not only gather land resources and form large-scale operation of land, but also use the scale of service to drive the scale of production.

Structural adjustment and compound planting

Promoting the adjustment of agricultural structure and promoting the coordinated development of planting and breeding industry is an important way to change the mode of agricultural development. The "opinion" proposes to support the development of ecological compound planting in line with local conditions, the scientific and rational use of cultivated land resources, and the promotion of the combination of land cultivation and cultivation. We will take into account the scale of planting and cultivation and the capacity of environmental consumption, and actively carry out pilot demonstration of planting and breeding combined with circular agriculture. We will promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries such as raw material production, processing logistics and marketing, and promote the value-added income of the industrial chain to stay in the producing area and leave to farmers.

In the past, there was a tradition of grain and bean rotation in Northeast China, which realized the combination of planting and raising land. Zhou Baoku, deputy director of the Institute of soil and Fertilizer of the Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, found that in recent years, the income of soybeans per mu was less than half of that of corn, resulting in a substantial reduction in grain and bean rotation. He believes that the use of land without land cultivation leads to increasingly serious problems such as the decline of soil fertility and the aggravation of diseases and insect pests, which requires structural readjustment.

Since the beginning of this year, the state has carried out a pilot crop rotation of grain and beans in 30 counties in northeast China, and a pilot project of changing grain into feeding in the three northern regions, and the grain economic structure and planting and breeding structure have been continuously optimized. The Ministry of Agriculture has proposed to reduce a certain area of corn in the four northeastern provinces next year. The industry believes that this can not only reduce the pressure on corn stocks, but also increase soybean production, but also improve soil fertility. In the future, it is necessary to guide farmers to be market-oriented, open up the channel for the coordinated development of the planting and breeding industry, and form a new agricultural structure with both grain and feed and the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry.

At present, there are more than 1.5 million farm families in the country, driving more than 30 million farmers, and the speed of integration of the first, second and third industries has been accelerating. Chongzhou, Sichuan Province has created a rice blossom tourist belt, where people can not only see the fragrance of rice trees in the fields, but also see flowers contending for beauty on the road, and the producing areas become scenic spots. Zhu Xinkai, a professor at Renmin University of China and vice chairman of the Leisure Agriculture expert Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: we should not only do a good job in the processing of agricultural products, but also pay more attention to the development of multiple functions of agriculture and liberate agriculture from the single production of primary agricultural products. so that farmers can share more of the benefits of the whole industrial chain, so that more of the value-added income of the industry will stay local.

Resource saving and environment friendly

China has a large population and little water shortage, and the area of cultivated land per capita and freshwater resources account for only 1/3 and 1/4 of the world average, respectively. In order to solve the problem of food, methods such as opening up wasteland and planting land, overloading and overgrazing were adopted, which led to excessive bearing pressure on cultivated land and grassland and shrinking of lakes and wetlands. In recent years, with the acceleration of industrialization, the damage to the agricultural ecological environment is also shocking. According to the second national soil environment survey, the over-standard rate of major soil pollutants in the country reached 16.1%. At the same time, the overuse of agricultural inputs such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural films, and the utilization rate of by-products such as livestock and poultry manure straw are still low. Based on this, the "opinion" emphasizes to do a good job in the battle to control agricultural non-point source pollution.

"throughout the trend of agricultural development in developed countries, they have shifted from the initial pursuit of output to equal emphasis on production development and ecological protection. Today, China's agricultural production is also moving in this direction, from the simple pursuit of high yield. To resource-saving and environment-friendly, to water-saving, fertilizer-saving, medicine-saving and land-saving." Said Qin Fu, a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

In the face of the pressure on agricultural resources and environment, since the beginning of this year, the relevant departments have carried out the pilot construction of the integration of specialized unified control of crop diseases and pests and green prevention and control, and launched a zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. At the same time, we will launch a pilot project for the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry breeding wastes and develop rural biogas projects in line with local conditions. We will implement agricultural cleaner production demonstration projects based on the recovery and utilization of waste plastic film, and arrange funds for subsidies for dry farming such as plastic film mulching in northwest and North China.

The state has successively issued such documents as the national plan for the sustainable development of agriculture, the overall plan for the treatment of outstanding problems in the agricultural environment, and the implementation opinions on the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, and made comprehensive arrangements for the protection and control of the agricultural ecological environment. According to the relevant plans, China will achieve "one control, two reductions and three basics" in 2020, that is, strictly control the total amount of agricultural water, gradually reduce the total amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and realize the basic resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, crop straw and agricultural film.