
The latest course of cultivation techniques and methods of Meiteng Fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Meiteng fruit, also known as star avocado, Inca fruit, it is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids and a variety of minerals, is a new national resource food. Eating Meiteng fruit has the advantages of beauty and anti-aging, improving brain memory function, promoting blood circulation and improving digestion.

Meiteng fruit, also known as star avocado, Inca fruit, it is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids and a variety of minerals, is a new national resource food. Eating Meiteng fruit has the functions of cosmetology and anti-aging, improving brain memory function, promoting blood circulation and improving digestive system. So do you know how to grow Meiteng fruit? Today, let's take a look at the following introduction to the planting techniques of Meiteng fruit.

1. Land selection and preparation

Meiteng fruit is generally best planted in a relatively fertile sandy loam with flat terrain, good ventilation, convenient drainage and irrigation, good soil permeability. When preparing the soil, we can add river sand to the soil properly, which is very effective to improve the permeability of the soil. Then, to apply enough base fertilizer, we can first prepare the nutritious soil, and then add it to the soil and mix it evenly. If you are afraid of trouble, you can add mature farm manure directly to the soil and mix it evenly. After the soil has been turned over, the soil needs to be disinfected with carbendazim or other agents.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

Soak the seeds in warm water of about 30 degrees for two days before sowing, then fish out the seeds and sow them with a certain amount of humidity. When sowing, you need to water the soil again to ensure the humidity in the field, and then sow the seeds evenly and cover them with a layer of nutritious soil, which can generally emerge in about half a month.

3. Planting and erection

When the seedlings grow to about 10 to 15 centimeters after they are planted, the seedlings can be moved and planted. The planting density is generally 50 cm between each row and about 40 cm between each plant. About a week after the colonization survived, according to the growth of Meitengguo seedlings, a reasonable scaffold can be built directly, either stone pile, wood pile or iron pile. After piling, tie all the piles together with rope or wire, and then pull the seedlings of Meiteng fruit to the bracket to grow.

4. Scientific fertilization

Generally speaking, the planting of Meiteng fruit is best based on green manure, which is very beneficial to improve the quality of Meiteng fruit, but we also need to pay attention to the perfect combination of inorganic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. In the growing period of Meiteng fruit, the first topdressing is after planting, mainly applying nitrogen fertilizer to promote the growth of seedlings. The second topdressing was before and after the flowering of Meiteng fruit, and this time it was mainly applied with compound fertilizer. The third topdressing is to wait until the fruit of Meiteng fruit, mainly potash fertilizer for furrow application. Of course, after the fruit is harvested, topdressing is needed again to restore growth and ensure the yield and quality of the next fruit.

5. Reasonable pruning

In the growth process of Meiteng fruit, we need to prune the vines properly. First of all, we mainly promote the growth of the main vine, and when the main vine grows to a certain length, remove the sharp buds and promote the growth of lateral vines. If it is a fruiting plant, then it is necessary to prune the aging lateral vines and cultivate more robust new branches while maintaining the original plant shape.

As many people do not know much about Meitoguo, the editor also introduces it in a little more detail here; however, due to the limited time and energy, there is still some knowledge that has not been fully listed, if you are interested, you can follow our next update.