
Ministry of Agriculture urgently deploys the 13th Typhoon "Sudiro" Defense work

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, this year's 13th Typhoon Sudiro will make landfall or pass the northeast coast of Taiwan on the night of the 7th, and will make landfall as a typhoon off the coast of Fujian from the afternoon to the evening of the 8th. Sudiro landing is conducive to alleviating the recent hot weather in the south of the Yangtze River, but at present

According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, this year's 13th typhoon "Sudiro" will make landfall or pass the northeast coast of Taiwan on the night of the 7th, and will make landfall as a typhoon off the coast of Fujian from the afternoon to the evening of the 8th. The landing of "Sudiro" is conducive to alleviating the recent high temperature weather in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is in the critical period of late rice tillering, middle rice yield formation, animal husbandry and fishery production in the south. Strong winds, waves and torrential rain may adversely affect the production of agriculture (animal husbandry and fishing). On 6 August, the Ministry of Agriculture urgently deployed typhoon "Sudiro" defense work, requiring the agricultural departments of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, and other provinces (cities) to earnestly do a good job in typhoon prevention and post-disaster production recovery to ensure the safety of agricultural production and people's lives and property.

The first is to ensure that responsibilities are put in place. Agricultural departments at all levels should unswervingly adhere to the goal of stabilizing grain income and winning bumper harvests, regard preventing "Sudiro" as the primary task of the current agricultural work, strengthen leadership, implement responsibilities, intensify efforts, and refine measures, ensure that organizations, personnel, responsibilities, plans, and materials are in place, ensure the safety of the lives and property of the broad masses of farmers (animal husbandry and fishermen), and minimize disaster losses.

The second is to strengthen monitoring and early warning. It is necessary to adhere to emergency duty, strengthen ties with relevant meteorological, marine, and water conservancy departments, pay close attention to the changes in the moving path and intensity of "Sudiro" and the weather and waves, analyze and judge the impact of "Sudiro" on agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery production, and timely dispatch the disaster situation and the implementation of disaster relief measures to ensure the smooth flow of information. Make full use of radio, television, newspapers, mobile phones, the Internet and other media to release early warning information and technical measures to prevent typhoons. The fishery department should notify the fishing vessels and personnel in the relevant sea areas of the early warning information such as typhoon tracks, strong winds and waves as soon as possible, and timely report the defensive preparations such as the entry of fishing vessels, the evacuation and landing of fishermen, and the standby of fisheries administration vessels.

Third, implement defensive measures as soon as possible. Immediately mobilize fishing vessels and aquaculture personnel working in relevant sea areas to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible or to take shelter from wind and waves nearby, and to strengthen and maintain fishing port facilities and dams as soon as possible to ensure the safety of personnel. Organize farmers to strengthen agricultural production facilities such as fruit trees, greenhouses and livestock and poultry sheds, harvest mature crops in time, and avoid disaster losses. Clean up and dredge the drainage system of field ditches and livestock and poultry farms in time to prevent large area waterlogging. Guide land reclamation enterprises, schools, hospitals and other units to do a good job of prevention work.

Fourth, do a good job in production and self-help. Timely organize investigation, verification, assessment and reflection of the impact of disasters, strengthen guidance services, organize experts to formulate disaster relief and production recovery plans in line with local conditions, and help and guide farmers (animal husbandry and fishery) to help themselves in production. Timely drainage and dewaterlogging, repair damaged ports, dams, fishing boats, fish ponds and breeding facilities, do a good job of replanting and replanting, fencing livestock and poultry, replenish washed fish fry, and resume production as soon as possible. We will strengthen the prevention and control of animal diseases and the monitoring and control of crop diseases and insect pests in disaster areas, do a good job in post-disaster disinfection and harmless treatment of dead animals, and prevent outbreaks of major animal diseases, zoonotic infectious diseases and crop diseases and insect pests after disasters. Urge relevant insurance institutions to determine damage and settle claims on insured fishing vessels and other facilities and crops as soon as possible.