
The environmental conditions needed for families to raise orchids

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Like other plants, orchids have a wide variety of species and different growth environments, so it is difficult to have a general cultivation method, but they are also inseparable from the regulation of water, nutrients, temperature and light. If you want to raise orchids well, you should pay attention to the following aspects:.

Like other plants, orchids have a wide variety of species and different growth environments, so it is difficult to have a general cultivation method, but they are also inseparable from the regulation of water, nutrients, temperature and light. If you want to raise orchids well, you should pay attention to the following aspects:


Orchids have different requirements for temperature due to different species. Cymbidium and Cymbidium have strong cold tolerance, and the overwintering temperature of about 6 ℃ is beneficial to their flower bud development. If the temperature exceeds 12 ℃, the flower buds formed in autumn are also easy to die under the soil, or the pedicels do not elongate and bloom abnormally. Jianlan, Mulan and Hanlan need higher temperatures in winter in order to survive the winter safely and bloom normally. Generally speaking, the minimum limit temperature of orchid is 8 ℃, and the maximum limit temperature is 35 ℃. 18-30 ℃ is the best maintenance temperature for orchids. When the temperature drops to 8 ℃, you should enter the house for the winter and leave the room when the temperature reaches 10% in early spring. You should try to put your orchids in the best temperature environment.

Moisture content

The best air humidity for raising orchids in the family is 60%-70%. The substrate in the basin is dry and watered at once. But should be careful not to make water in the flowerpot, lest cause rotten roots, or even death, so there is a "dry orchid wet chrysanthemum" said. When the air temperature is high or the air humidity is low, a small sprayer can be used to spray the leaves and roots to achieve the purpose of cooling and humidification.



Orchids like thin fertilizer, fertilization should be very careful, and strive not to damage the root system. Applying too much fertilizer or using too much base fertilizer will cause the accumulation of toxic salts, damage the roots of orchids and cause death. Therefore, the base fertilizer should not be used as far as possible, and the liquid fertilizer with more dilution times should be applied frequently, avoid concentrated fertilizer and fertilize too much at one time. The fertilization season of orchids should start from the end of spring to the end of autumn, that is, concentrated in the growing season. There is a special compound fertilizer for orchids, which can be used after dilution at the ratio of 1: 400 / 500.


In nature, orchids are mostly born under sparse forests in wet valleys and in slightly acidic soils rich in humus, thus forming their adaptability to this environment. Therefore, orchids like semi-shade, like dampness, and avoid strong light. Generally, 50% to 60% of the light should be shaded in winter and 70% to 85% in summer. It should not be shaded on cloudy days. It can be placed indoors at a slight sight of the sun to avoid direct sunlight.


In nature, orchids are mostly born in an air-ventilated environment, so they need loose and ventilated cultivation media and a clean air-ventilated environment. To grow orchids well, you need to pay attention to ventilation, including ventilation around the roots and keeping a distance between orchid plants. Keeping fresh air around the orchid is beneficial to photosynthesis and respiration. Ventilation can also regulate and reduce the temperature and inhibit the growth and spread of diseases and insect pests.