
Speed up the improvement of rural infrastructure construction

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The new type of urbanization is not only the urbanization of people, but also the urbanization of the overall development of urban and rural areas. Improving the construction of rural infrastructure is an important part of the overall planning of urban and rural development. In view of the problems in rural infrastructure construction, the author studies and puts forward the following suggestions.

The new type of urbanization is not only the urbanization of people, but also the urbanization of the overall development of urban and rural areas. Improving the construction of rural infrastructure is an important part of the overall planning of urban and rural development. In view of the problems in rural infrastructure construction, the author studies and puts forward the following suggestions.

1. Establish the governance concept of combining industrial development with rural infrastructure construction. The new type of urbanization is people-centered urbanization, so that farmers can stay in rural areas, the premise is that farmers' income in rural areas can be increased, life is also very convenient. To achieve these two points, industrial development is the guarantee. Each town and village has its own industrial characteristics, so it is necessary to guide farmers to develop characteristic industries, actively provide market information, and broaden sales channels. According to the needs of industrial development, build corresponding rural infrastructure. With the progress of urbanization, more rural population will be attracted to cities and towns, and fewer people will be engaged in agricultural production. Therefore, it is a development trend to change traditional agriculture and develop modern agriculture.

2. Guide and promote the process of rural infrastructure construction with the concept of urban-rural integration. Rural infrastructure construction is not isolated, it and urban infrastructure construction should be coordinated as a whole, guided by the concept of urban-rural integration. Rural infrastructure construction under the guidance of the concept of urban-rural integration has several connotations: first, more public finance and urban resources flow into rural areas; second, the level of rural infrastructure construction should be equal to that of urban infrastructure construction; third, rural infrastructure construction and urban infrastructure construction should form a joint force.

3. Improve the management mechanism of rural infrastructure construction and promote the maximization of capital benefit. It is necessary to make overall use of financial funds and rationally arrange rural infrastructure construction projects. In terms of project declaration, the township government, village committees and villagers' groups should establish a scientific and effective decision-making mechanism to feedback the infrastructure needs urgently needed by most of the villagers, so as to ensure the efficiency (practicality) of rural infrastructure projects from the source and avoid the emergence of image projects and the waste of resources (funds, land, time and manpower). In terms of project examination and approval, improve the efficiency of examination and approval and reduce human relations. In the aspect of construction bidding, we should strictly manage, eliminate the phenomenon of subcontracting layer by layer, strictly examine the qualification of the construction side, and carefully study the construction plan. in addition to considering the cost, we should also consider the practicability of the scheme. In terms of project construction and supervision, administrative villages or natural villages should set up boards or supervision groups to supervise the use of construction funds and construction quality. In terms of project evaluation, we should adhere to the principle of timely, open, strict and extensive participation, and do a good job in project evaluation. In terms of follow-up maintenance, it is necessary to establish a regular mechanism for infrastructure maintenance, including the matching of special funds and the management of specialized personnel.

4. Give full play to the coordinating role of villagers' autonomous organizations in the construction of rural infrastructure. The construction of rural infrastructure requires autonomous organizations such as village committees to coordinate the relationship with higher-level governments, different village groups and villagers in village groups. They are responsible for fund management (fund raising, use), data reporting, land adjustment and construction supervision, and so on. And the authority of the leaders of these organizations is very important, they will directly affect the process and quality of rural infrastructure construction. Nowadays, villagers' autonomy is faced with many practical problems, such as the decentralization of management, the enhancement of farmers' self-interest, the hollowing out and aging of rural areas, and the increase of additional tasks of villagers' self-government organizations. Under this social background, the main criterion to measure the effect of villagers' autonomy is the ability of villagers' autonomous organizations to solve the dilemma of collective action in the supply of rural public goods. The main performance is the ability to coordinate the relationship between different subjects and the conflict between public interests and private interests to promote rural infrastructure construction.