
The main points of the latest April Citrus Management Technology and method course

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Citrus is widely distributed in China, and it is also a very popular fruit. There are many varieties of citrus, such as sugar orange, ugly orange and so on, the market is very large. April is also an important time for citrus growth. So I...

Citrus is widely distributed in China, and it is also a very popular fruit. There are many varieties of citrus, such as sugar orange, ugly orange and so on, the market is very large. April is also an important time for citrus growth. So how do we manage it? The following editor brings you the technical points of citrus management in April, let's have a look!

1. Florescence management

April is the flowering period of citrus trees, and we should do a good job of pruning during this period. During the growth of citrus buds, the lack of nutrition will reduce the tree potential of citrus trees. Too much flowering leads to insufficient nutrition, and the temperature in April is unstable, which will seriously affect flowering, reduce fruit setting rate and fruit quality if affected by low temperature. Therefore, when the amount of flowering reaches about 75%, the pruning work should be done according to the quantity and quality of flowering. For strong citrus trees, remove the leafless flower branches and the buds at the top and bottom. Then, for the trees with few flowers, all the branches should be retained, the appropriate amount of vegetative branches should be removed, and the amount of flowering should be increased.

2. Supplement nutrition

When citrus blossoms, it is necessary to ensure that there are sufficient nutrients to meet the needs of flowering. If there are a large number of deformed flowers, it means that the citrus tree is malnourished, and it will consume too much nutrition, resulting in the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits and reducing the yield of citrus. Therefore, we should reasonably spray the control agent in the early stage of citrus flowering to prevent the formation of deformed flowers. Then, when the flowering rate reaches about 1 stroke 3, flower and fruit energy and other chemicals are used to protect flowers and fruits, and finally, foliar fertilizer is sprayed reasonably after the flowers have fallen to enhance the growth ability of leaves.

3. Spraying fruit preservative

There will be a period of physiological fruit drop in citrus trees, but in order to ensure yield, we should properly spray fruit preservatives within a week after flowering. The time should be adjusted reasonably according to the tree potential, the amount of blooming, and so on. For some moderately growing trees, they can be carried out when the number of flowers reaches about 80% and the new shoots gradually turn green. Trees with a large number of flowers and weak trees can be carried out after all the flowers have withered and fallen. To prevent the fruits from grabbing nutrition from each other, we should also pay attention to the fact that the fruit-preserving drugs should be used now, and the spraying objects are mainly leaves and fruits. If it rains after spraying, then spray again, and pay attention to the dosage to prevent spraying too much, causing drug damage.

4. Ring cutting branches

Ring cutting is mainly aimed at the management of trees with few blossoms, insufficient fruit setting and strong growth. The main purpose of ring cutting is to intercept nutrients and concentrate them on the aboveground parts. It is generally carried out after the leaves turn green, which can ensure nutrition on the fruit and increase the yield. The position of ring cutting is not the same every year, and it is generally carried out about 20cm from the ground. Attention should be paid to disinfection before ring cutting, not on cloudy and rainy days to prevent infection from causing diseases and insect pests, and then cut off the cortex to the xylem, and then disinfect the wound.

The above is a brief introduction to the key technical points of citrus management in April. The management of citrus trees is very important, especially in the flowering and fruiting stage, if mismanaged, it will have a great impact on its yield. So we must pay more attention to it. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.