
The latest high-yield cultivation techniques of plum tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Plum is a common fruit with a long history of cultivation in China. Generally, several trees are planted in front of and behind the houses in rural areas. However, if we want to plant large areas and obtain benefits, we must carry out some artificial management and technical implementation. now a

Plum is a common fruit with a long history of origin and cultivation in China, and several plums are usually planted in front and behind the houses in rural areas. But if you want to plant on a large scale and make a profit, you have to do some man-made management and technical implementation. Now when plums are on the market, there are a lot of buyers, so I'm going to tell you how to plant and increase yield.

I. planting density

When planting, you can plant about 40 trees per mu of land, with a plant spacing of about 2 meters and a row spacing of 3 meters. When raising seedlings, you can spread them at will, but immediately after emergence, you need to remove diseased seedlings, weak seedlings, and weeds, and then divide the seedlings once they grow to about 3 centimeters, and when they grow to 70 to 80 centimeters, you can start transplanting to maintain the plant spacing mentioned above.

Second, planting time

In general, the south is planted in spring and March, or in October in Xiaoyang Spring. These two times are relatively warm but not hot, Rain Water is not particularly many seasons, conducive to root growth, tree survival, less transpiration, can be less watering, lighten the burden. Northern autumn enters the cold period quickly, and it is best to plant in spring for a long time, but spring planting should also be carried out after thawing, otherwise it is easy to freeze to death.

3. Planting methods

The first is to dig a planting hole. Although the seedlings are only less than one meter high, they also need to carry 30 to 40 centimeters of soil balls when transplanting. And in order to grow later, the pit must be about 80 centimeters deep and 70 centimeters wide. When digging, the topsoil, the middle soil and the bottom soil should be placed separately. When planting, first mix the subsoil with the fallen leaves of the base fertilizer, etc., then cover the fertilizer soil with the middle soil, put it into the seedlings, then cover the topsoil, gently lift the seedlings, and then pour the root water. Be sure to plant the seedlings straight, let the roots naturally stretch and sag, rather than randomly mix together, be sure to plant in the middle of the pit, leave the same growth space on both sides, will not be too long. If you buy the seedlings, you must replenish the water in time, and then trim off some roots before planting when you restore straightness.

Plums are also planted, but some have high yields and some have low yields, not only in different places, but also because all the details of cultivation have been optimized, so you can compare your own way and look for the best way.