
How to control the latest banana bunchy top disease

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bananas grow in the tropics and are often high-temperature and humid during the growth period, so there are more diseases. Because germs like this kind of living environment, among the many diseases, what makes fruit farmers fear most is bunchy top disease, because this disease is called banana.

Bananas grow in the tropics and are often high-temperature and humid during the growth period, so there are more diseases. Because germs like this kind of living environment, among the many diseases, what makes fruit farmers fear most is bunchy top disease, because this disease is called the incurable disease of bananas. It is conceivable how serious the bananas that this disease can cause. Today, I would like to introduce this disease to you. If you encounter this situation, it is also easy to deal with.

I. the cause of the disease

The disease is a disease caused by banana bunchy top virus, mainly because the virus is transmitted by prickly pests such as aphids, and the soil and agricultural operations do not carry the virus. The aphids of a cross-vein aphid are the main transmission target. After the aphids feed on the diseased plants, the virus can survive for about 13 hours, and then it can also be susceptible to the disease by piercing healthy plants. It has been parasitic in the plant since it was infected.

Second, symptoms

Early onset, will be shown as, the leaves are hard and brittle, easy to break, the leaves are erect and narrow, the main veins and petioles vary in length, and begin to appear green veins, a kind of green stripes. After heading, the disease is characterized by normal leaves, thin and curved petioles that do not produce buds or difficult to produce buds, affecting bananas, bearing little or no fruit, and the fruit is very small and crisp without fragrance.

III. Prevention and control methods

1. Seed selection and seedling raising

Choose to buy a disease-free vaccine, do a good job in quarantine at the time of purchase, and then buy and plant after passing quarantine inspection: or choose to cultivate virus-free and disease-free vaccine by yourself.

two。 Dig up diseased plants and control aphids

Once you find a diseased plant, and you are not sure to cure it, you will quickly dig up the diseased plant and take it out of the park to burn; or injection with 10~15ml glyphosate or 80% of the medicine solution can kill the infected banana plant, dig up the plant, dig up all the soil under the diseased plant, sprinkle it with quicklime and expose it to the sun for a month, and then replace it with clean soil. Replace it with disease-free clean land. In order to control the spread of the disease, 10% imidacloprid wettable powder or 3% acetamiprid EC 800-1000 times spray can be used to control aphids and prevent aphids from spreading.

3. Spray medicine

At the initial stage of the disease, we use Bundle Top Therapy to add white vinegar to dissolve 1000 times of water, a plant of 300g solution (about half a spoon), slowly drip down from the top to inject banana stalks to treat the disease, and can also be treated with antiviral agents such as 500x of Haopu water agent, or 600x of 3.95 virus Bike wet powder. It will get better in about ten days. Spray every 10 days for three or four times in a row, safe and effective. If it is serious, it can only be dug up.

4. Fertilizer control and water control

The best ratio of N, P and K for banana should be 1 ∶ 0.22 ∶ 3.28.The banana should be sprayed once a month combined with paclobutrazol to prevent the occurrence of the disease. In March, we should apply compound fertilizer combined with zinc and boron fertilizer in furrow. One plant applied two jin, other time water supply and fertilizer supply is normal to meet, maintain a good tree potential.

Banana bunchy top disease is the most serious disease of banana, which is said to be incurable, but in the early stage of the disease, it is said that it can be controlled and improved, so this disease focuses on prevention, which can solve most of the problems, but if aphids harm the disease. There will be no problem with spraying aphids at an early stage.