
The latest Lemon Flower and Fruit Preservation Technology course

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The amount of lemon blossoms is large, and the drop of flowers and fruits is more serious, especially in April-June, which has a great impact on the yield, so measures should be taken to protect flowers and fruits. So how to protect the flowers and fruits of lemons? Let's take a look. 1. Cultivate a strong body

The amount of lemon blossoms is large, and the drop of flowers and fruits is more serious, especially in April-June, which has a great impact on the yield, so measures should be taken to protect flowers and fruits. So how to protect the flowers and fruits of lemons? Let's take a look.

1. Cultivate strong fruiting mother branches.

The nutrition level of the tree is an important factor affecting lemon fruit setting, so it is easy to form flower buds, branch malnutrition will lead to poor flower bud differentiation or the formation of a large number of incomplete flowers, which will fall off in bud and flowering. Therefore, plants with good nutritional status are the basis for the cultivation of strong mother branches, while strong mother branches are mainly cultivated for autumn, spring and summer shoots.

2. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water

In some areas, there is a long-term drought and low temperature in winter, and when the temperature gradually picks up in spring, lemons begin to return to normal growth, so it is necessary to topdressing in time to promote flower bud differentiation. Fertilization should be based on rotten farm manure, diluted with water into thin water and fertilizer, remember to apply high concentration of fertilizer, so as not to hurt the root and affect the germination of the new root. At the same time, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in time, but the application amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled to avoid excessive growth of branches and leaves, affecting flowering and budding, which is not conducive to flower and fruit protection. In some areas, the flowering and fruit period is in the spring rainy season, so we should pay attention to timely drainage to avoid stagnant water retting the roots, affecting the growth of new roots, causing a large number of falling flowers and fruits, and is not conducive to flower and fruit protection. on the contrary, when there is a serious drought in spring, it should be irrigated in time to maintain soil moisture.

3. Flower thinning

Lemon fruiting trees often have the problems of large number of flowers and low fruit setting rate. generally speaking, lemon trees with more flowers can have up to 10,000 flowers per tree, large proportion of leafless inflorescences, small leaf area, serious imbalance of flower-leaf ratio and imbalance between supply and demand of tree nutrition. If it is affected by bad weather during the flowering period, it is very easy to cause serious flower and fruit drop, which can systematically sparse the flower ear and bud, reduce the unnecessary nutrient consumption of the tree body, effectively adjust the flower-leaf ratio, and relatively increase the leaf area of the tree body. create a good environment for flower and fruit development, make flowers develop well, grow healthily, achieve the main purpose of strong flowers and fruits, improve fruit setting rate, and achieve the goal of high yield and stability.

The above is the introduction of lemon flower and fruit protection technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.