
Culture methods of Phalaenopsis

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Flower friends like Phalaenopsis, but also find Phalaenopsis difficult to serve, and do not know much about Phalaenopsis breeding methods, so some flower friends even choose to abandon Phalaenopsis after the flower fade. In fact, Phalaenopsis is very easy to raise, even better than our common potted jasmine and Milan in the north. ...

Flower friends like Phalaenopsis, but also feel that Phalaenopsis is difficult to serve, the cultivation method of Phalaenopsis is not very understanding, so some flower friends even after the flower withers, choose to abandon it. In fact, Phalaenopsis is very good to raise, even better than our common potted jasmine in the north, Milan also raise a lot.

About the cultivation method of Phalaenopsis, you may wish to pay attention to the following points, so that your Phalaenopsis will bloom every spring.

1, flowerpot: If you are careful enough, you will find that the market to sell Phalaenopsis are white transparent plastic pots planted. It should be noted that this is not that merchants are unwilling to use good pots to reduce costs, but that the roots of Phalaenopsis need photosynthesis, so the well-growing Phalaenopsis you see, the roots are green, is the result of photosynthesis. If you maintain it at home, you can choose a colorless transparent plastic container, and the size is appropriate.


2, flower soil: General Phalaenopsis will choose water moss. The quality of water is also important. Do not choose too broken into powder, because the moss water retention is very strong, too broken moss will cause excessive moisture in the roots leading to decay. Because water moss absorbent good, you can raise Phalaenopsis in the bottom of the floor spread some ceramsite or orchid matrix, and then water moss conservation.

3. Treatment after flowering: Most people receive Phalaenopsis sent by friends during the Spring Festival or buy Phalaenopsis by themselves. Normal watering is wet and dry. Generally, it can be opened to March and April; if it is self-raised Phalaenopsis, it still blooms brightly in mid-May.

After buying back the Phalaenopsis flower, there are two ways to deal with it: one is to choose to cut off the flower bud, which can effectively reduce the loss of nutrition and preserve nutrition for the flowers around the Spring Festival; the other is to choose to preserve the flower bud, normal care, generally to the middle of May, new branches will grow on this flower bud and continue to bloom;

In the north, flowers are normal twice a year. After this flower withers, cut off the flower buds and maintain them normally. Around the Spring Festival, flower buds will grow at the base of leaves and flowers will be on pregnant buds.

Twice flowering plants, because of the large nutrient consumption, need to give reasonable and appropriate fertilizer, in order to ensure that the next year flowers flourish. I raise flowers more lazy, generally after the first flowering, will choose to cut flower buds, this time is May and June, see half a year flowers, but also very satisfied, so cut flower buds maintenance plants.

4. Phalaenopsis is not strict with light requirements. Although a lot of diffuse light can grow normally, if you have a good environment for raising flowers in your home, you can choose to put them under large plants, which not only maintains good humidity, but also avoids sun exposure.

5, now from the market to buy Phalaenopsis seedlings has been very difficult, to Amoy flowers of Phalaenopsis is a good way. How to find robust Phalaenopsis: Every year after the Spring Festival, some merchants will continue to sell the Phalaenopsis off the shelf, piled on the wall, the price of 2.5-3 yuan/pot. This is a good time to shop. As long as you have patience and good observation, you can buy very good Phalaenopsis. The method is simple: first look at the root: the root should be some green, the root tip shiny, moist, robust; then touch the leaves, the leaves are thick, have a certain hardness, shiny; if the flower bud is still there, see if it is dry, it is best not dry, indicating good growth.