
How to raise Orchid-- A Collection of experience (1)

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many novice orchids do not know how to raise orchids, there are senior flower friends summed up a collection of orchid experience, a total of three, respectively summed up the main points of orchid cultivation from different angles, very suitable for novice flower friends. ...

Many novice orchids do not know how to raise orchids, there are senior flower friends summed up a collection of orchid experience, a total of three, respectively summed up the main points of orchid cultivation from different angles, very suitable for novice flower friends.

"I have no intention of plagiarism, but it is purely for self-study. Thank you, Meilan and Xiao Zhilan Garden."

I. General introduction

Orchids do not grow well, there must be problems with the environment, planting and management, so it is necessary to understand the orchid and find out the problems to improve.

Wei Chang's relevance to the light, water, fertilizer and planting materials of orchids is as follows:

Often hear orchid friends complain about poor root growth, blaming it all on planting materials, fertilizers, and watering. In fact, in the final analysis, they still do not understand orchid. If you want to have a good root system, you can't lose light. Light is the driving force of root development. The stronger the light, the more water transpiration on the leaf surface and the more nutrients are consumed, which promotes the development of root system in order to increase the amount of water and fertilizer absorption.

This is like people, a large amount of exercise, eat and drink a large amount of water, as long as nutrition to keep up, eat and drink enough to sleep well, it is difficult not to be strong. If a person sits in the office all day, turns on the air conditioner, walks in the car, reaches for food, eats delicacies, and does not do exercise, he will have a lot of problems; on the contrary, he only knows how to do heavy physical work and do a lot of exercise, but the nutritional conditions do not keep up, not enough to eat and drink, it is also difficult to have a strong body.

Everything in the world is connected by everything, and balance is the king. If you understand this principle, it is not difficult to find the most suitable way of management for your environment. If your fertilizer is too fat, then, please increase the light as appropriate; if the plant material is too fine and the water retention capacity is strong, then you should also increase the light as appropriate; on the contrary, if the plant material is too thick and light, please reduce the light appropriately, and the water supply can also be slightly less; if the plant material is coarse and the environmental light is strong, it is necessary to increase the amount of fertilizer and water, so as not to cause thin and yellowing leaves due to excessive consumption of bluegrass. In nature, the same plant species has few shade roots and strong sun roots, which is almost an ironclad rule, don't you believe it? Just find a lawn to observe. Even if bluegrass is cultivated with the soil in the field, people who understand the principle can still raise it very well. The key to the availability of plant materials lies in management.


After reading the above information several times, I will find that my orchid cultivation problem is there. My orchid cultivation environment is on the balcony, adopting open and non-humidifying methods. In the environment of strong light and high temperature, the transpiration of orchids is very exuberant. Although 1.5 centimeters of water is left at the bottom of the cup and fully watered at dusk, hoping to replenish the water lost by orchids, the growth of orchids is still slow, and the buds can not all grow. The growth of orchids has been increased in terms of fertilizer, but the growth of orchids is still very slow, which means that orchids do not replenish enough water, so under the condition of the sun (the temperature is above 33 degrees), now watering 2-3 times a day, the growth of new buds becomes faster and new roots grow all the time, which means that the management method of watering is correct, so watering and fertilization depend on the needs of orchids, and how to think of orchids. This is mainly to look at the growth of orchids with the eyes and make a comprehensive judgment.

To find out the differences of the environment, we should adopt different methods of cultivation and management. As a matter of fact, orchids are very dead. As long as the conditions for survival and growth are met, orchids are easy to raise. If the above conditions cannot be met, orchids will not grow up, bloom or die of illness, so the environment is different, and the methods of cultivation and management are different. Here are two examples:

1. Planting materials and methods. Wang Li elder often said that the use of orchid material should be loose, breathable and diuresis, so that the orchid root can grow well. The environment maintains a humidity of 85%, and the flow of air in the space brings out the exhaust gas from the basin. With the above conditions, the blue root is white and grows very well. But in the open space balcony, because there is no moisture or water wall cooling, if the material is also loose, breathable, diuretic, high-temperature dry air in the balcony, it will be easy to enter the basin, the orchid root will be caused by evaporation, orchids naturally can not grow well.

two。 The use of fertilizer. Elder Wang mentioned using Huabao 5000 times to irrigate, but I use the above method to fertilize. In summer, I often find brown fat injuries on the leaf tip, leaf midrib, leaf center and the edge of bud trousers. This is because in an environment without humidification, fertilizer is affected by sunlight, temperature and wind, which causes fertilizer concentration to cause fertilizer injury. Of course, senior Wang mentioned that it is best to apply fertilizer at 1-3 o'clock in the morning, when the temperature is the lowest in the day. The humidity of dew is relatively high. Watering water again before the sun comes out can avoid the occurrence of fat injury, but it is too hard to get up in the middle of the night to apply fertilizer. When I think about the humidity of 85 degrees and the temperature below 28 degrees in my open balcony, when will there be such conditions? I think that only after the thunderstorm or typhoon in summer, the humidity in the air is very high and the temperature is low. I hurriedly fertilized, and before the temperature picked up the next day, wash the leaves with water again. In this way, the orchid leaves will no longer appear fat or injury. As for the highest temperature below 29 degrees a day in spring and autumn, I fertilized it half an hour after watering in the sunny morning.

To learn from other people's successful orchid raising experience, we should have a comprehensive understanding, not one-sided learning. Everyone's environment is different, so the methods of orchid cultivation and management are different, so to learn from other people's successful orchid cultivation experience, we should start from orchid environment, species, pots, planting materials, watering, insecticidal, sterilization. I have a comprehensive understanding, and use my own experience in orchid cultivation to improve the methods of orchid cultivation and management. For example, when I saw the planting materials and methods of Zhu Dayong's predecessors, I had great doubts in my heart. Using this material to grow orchids on my balcony must have rotten roots, because over the past 10 years of experience, I have tried a lot of organic materials, which can not overcome the problem of rotting roots without spraying and sterilizing. That's why in the end, we can't grow it by planting gold stone and absorbing foam cotton, but we can see that Zhu's roots are well raised, and there are invisible blind spots. Later, Zhu announced the treatment of planting materials. Only then did he know that he did not know enough about the treatment of organic materials, and he also needed to strengthen his study. The treatment methods of Zhi Lanbao materials are as follows:

1. The fairy soil I bought was delivered to me only when the seller found a suitable soil layer.

two。 It takes more than half a month to soak the stone, and the water should be changed twice in the middle.

3. You have to buy thick bark, soak for half a month after sifting, and change the water in the middle.

4. Rinse and dry until half dry and put it in a plastic bag and expose it in the sun for half a month.

5. The most important thing, especially those with plastic basins, do not need very round particles at the bottom, it is easy to block the round hole very tightly. The selected material is more water-conserving than planting gold stone.

6. Because in this way, the plant in the basin can dry and wet at the same time. This kind of material is rarely found. I have consulted a lot of orchid friends, and there is almost no such material in their city. You can go to this kind of material yourself, ha.

7. This material does not cost money to buy, but it is very difficult to process, it takes more than a month to soak, and the water has to be changed many times in the middle. I originally wanted to sell some plant materials to make money, but I really started working, which is not the same thing as what I thought. It's too tedious, which is the main reason why it can't be produced in large quantities.

My understanding of the production process of Zhi Lanbao:

1. It takes more than half a month to soak the gold stone and change the water twice in the middle. This is to clean the dust, let it fully absorb water, eliminate anger, if directly used, the plant stone is not easy to absorb water, later watering is not easy to wet.

two。 Buy thick bark, soak in water for half a month after sieving, and change the water once in the middle. This is to wash the dust from the bark and soak out the organic matter in the bark, so as to avoid the bark from causing high heat to harm the blue root. Soaking in the bark can also kill pests and eggs in the bark.

3. Rinse and dry until half dry and put it in a plastic bag and expose it in the sun for half a month. This is the use of the heat generated by the sun, the material will be thoroughly insecticidal and sterilization, and let the material fermentation, is really a good way.

4. The fifth is the most important, especially those with plastic basins, which do not need very round particles to cover the bottom, so it is easy to block the round hole very tightly, resulting in poor drainage, and the bottom material is more water-retaining than planting gold stone. this is really very important that the bottom of the basin uses the most absorbent material, so the bottom of the basin is the wettest, and the root will go to the bottom of the basin because of its wetness, and even if the basin is dry, the bottom of the basin is still not dry, so Langen will not be damaged by drying. The crystal part will also grow in good condition.

With regard to the treatment of organic materials, it takes a wealth of experience to determine whether the material is completely unfermented. In an environment of high temperature and high humidity, bacteria will accelerate their decomposition to produce high heat, causing damage to the blue root and causing rotten roots. Therefore, after the treatment of organic materials, it depends on whether the environment is dry or wet, to match the appropriate proportion of inorganic materials, of course, after planting. Also depends on the season to kill insects, sterilization, a year later also depends on the growth of orchids, to adjust the materials used to grow orchids next year, so learn the planting experience of others, if only one-sided learning planting materials, and do not learn the treatment of materials and then sterilization management, this is also the main reason for the failure of ordinary people to raise orchids, only look one-sided and do not pay attention to comprehensive.

The daily management of orchids should be adjusted according to the seasons. The orchid originally grows in the middle and low altitude mountain areas, where the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees and the humidity is 60-80 degrees. Therefore, in the wild environment, the orchids grow well without care. After the orchids go down the mountain, facing the high temperature above 30 degrees in summer, and the humidity has been decreasing as the temperature rises, so the temperature and humidity change all the time in spring, summer, autumn and winter, so it only depends on the growers to adjust. Keep it in balance between dry and wet. The above mentioned aquatic plants, pots, planting materials, fertilization, sterilization, watering, etc., all vary with the environment, so if your orchids do not have rotten roots, get sick and grow well, it means that your orchid cultivation techniques have matured. It's best not to make any changes. If the orchids don't grow well, think carefully about what the problem is, and make adjustments in management:

(1) after buying orchids, it depends on whether they are strange leaves, magnolia or magnolia. Magnolia or magnolia should be placed in places with strong sunshine and good ventilation, while Yilan should be placed in places with weaker light and higher humidity.

(2) for orchids with strong sunshine and good ventilation, use pots without holes, which are mainly made of moisturizing; otherwise, for orchids with low light and high humidity, pots with holes are used, and the materials are mainly dry and ventilated.

(3) if the temperature in the humid environment does not exceed 30 degrees, organic materials can be used, and sterilization can be strengthened, the orchids will grow well because of fertilizer; if the temperature on the balcony exceeds 30 degrees, it should be planted with inorganic matter, so as not to ferment organic matter due to high temperature bacteria, resulting in rotten roots, and inorganic planting requires thin fertilizer and more application, so that the orchids will grow well.

(4) the methods of light, watering and fertilization should be adjusted with the change of seasonal temperature in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

(5) there are many kinds of orchids, so it is necessary to understand the origin, temperature, humidity and sunshine of orchids. The closer the cultivation environment is to the conditions of origin, the more smoothly the orchids will grow. If the balcony raises orchids, a certain kind of orchids die again and again, it is best not to raise them again and again, unless you change the environment of raising orchids, otherwise you can't grow them well. (6) the most important thing for raising orchids on the balcony is to maintain the humidity of the roots. if the wet condition of the whole year cannot be maintained, the roots will be damaged because of excessive dryness, resulting in rotting roots, and the orchids will die year after year. So it is necessary to set an orchid basin outside the orchid basin and put a water filter in the middle, which can improve the insufficient humidity in the basin. Langen has moisture and grows well, the roots are white and the root tips are intact. Then the orchid can absorb water and nutrients and grow more and more vigorously.

Cultivation and management should conform to nature. It is one of the pursuits of the orchid people all over the world to cultivate the root of orchid first and to cultivate a strong good root. Langen not only absorbs nutrients, but also discharges harmful substances. The growth of Langen has the tendency of water and gas, adaptability and variability. More water, more fertilizer, more orchid roots are thick and short, less water, less fertilizer, less orchid roots are thin and long. Langen needs water and oxygen to grow, so the orchid basin should be dry and wet, not always wet. Natural environment, proper fertilizer and water, loose plant material, enough time, it is possible to grow strong and good Langen. First, it is simple. Although bluegrass culture is broad and profound, but it can also be simplified, difficult into easy, from simple-complex-simple, more and more simple, only simple methods can be effective for a long time. Second, nature. Bluegrass culture should learn from nature, only nature, the least interference to bluegrass, bluegrass has the best strength and resistance. The third is the golden mean. Like orchid appreciation, orchid farming should abide by the golden mean and should not be overdone or inferior in management. Fourth, the system. Bluegrass culture is a systematic project, they are interrelated, influence each other, interact with each other, in the management can not only pay attention to one, regardless of the other. The fifth is the details. Bluegrass farming should pay attention to details, some seemingly inconspicuous details often affect the growth of bluegrass and determine the success or failure of bluegrass farming.

It is necessary to use the concept of greenhouse to raise orchids, not to build a greenhouse to raise orchids. The growth of orchids has a certain temperature, humidity, sunshine intensity and ventilation. If the cultivation of orchids exceeds its temperature too much (too hot or too cold), then orchids will only die or grow poorly. The closer to these conditions, the better the growth and flowering of orchids, so we should use the perspective of greenhouse to transform our orchid environment. First of all, we should observe what the orchid environment lacks and supplement what is missing. Improve the environment of raising orchids at the least cost.

Highlights of experience:

1. Shanghai, the 10th floor semi-enclosed balcony, mainly plastic basins, plant materials: bark, fairy soil, planting stone 1/3 each. It has been four days since the last watering, and the basin noodles have begun to dry. Last night, 1200 times as much avermectin was used as water. After the electric fan, the strong wind gear has been on, starting this morning, turned to the low speed gear, but did not turn off. My experience is that Huangmei Tian is actually the golden season for the growth of bluegrass. Don't be afraid of Erfu and dare not water it. As long as it is well ventilated, don't worry about the bold watering, and I am watering the shower head all over my face. When the water is big, the grass can grow happily, sprout and take root.

2. The balcony faces south on the third floor. Plant materials: Xiantu 60, gold stone 20, oak bark granulated snake wood 20, plastic basin. Watering: look at the sky watering, the basin noodles dry water. Tap water drenched with water. If you water it, you water it thoroughly. Fertilization: put 10ml 20 grains of Haokangduo on the basin and irrigate Huabao No. 2 3000 times liquid fertilizer once every 10 days in the growing season.

3. The balcony on the third floor faces southeast and has no heating in winter. 4-5 hours of direct sunlight can be seen from 8 o'clock in the morning to around 1: 00 noon, and diffuse light the rest of the time. Plastic glass window seal, two internal and external ventilation fans, air intake in the upper left corner, exhaust in the upper right corner, and a large diameter internal circulation micro-fan is always open 24 hours a day. The glass is covered with shading paper to filter out about 30-50% of the light. Watering directly with tap water, shower head. Watering principle: the basin noodles should be watered thoroughly when they are dry. The remaining water flows into the sink, collects it and pours it out. The humidity is 40-80%, and the temperature is 4murmur32 degrees Celsius. Tap water PH7.4. Most of my spring and cymbidium are raised here, and the vernalization growth environment is satisfactory. The ratio of plant materials is about 20% for immortal soil, 20% for alchemy or burning soil particles, 20% for peat, and 40% for cork.

4. Raising orchids on the balcony has the disadvantages of less space and lack of ventilation, and there are two good ways to solve it: 1. Stand on the railing (ventilation) 2. Use multi-layer flower racks (save places, you can set the number of layers according to ventilation, add small wheels to facilitate extravagance). There is only one secret. Ventilation is needed. My method is as follows: 1. Raise ripe grass at the top and newly bought grass at the bottom. two。 Raise flower orchid above, raise art orchid below, crystal. 3. Strong grass is raised above and weak grass is raised below. 4. More fat at the top, less fat at the bottom. 5. Water the flowers from top to bottom, watering each layer. Balcony on the multi-layer planting should pay attention to things: 1. Ventilation can reduce blue disease. two。 Avoid the sunset at noon. 3. Prevent BLS, separate BLS seedlings, pay attention to disinfestation. 4. Watering need not be afraid to flow from the upper basin to the lower basin, experience says: nothing. 5. Pay attention to the cold clothes on the wife, experience said: not afraid of dripping, afraid of thick clothes fall off and break the orchid.