
"Internet + Agriculture": How to cut the 10 trillion cake

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, From upstream agricultural materials, to intermediate production links, and then to downstream supporting facilities such as reserve logistics and transportation, the wealth scale of the entire Chinese agricultural market is believed to be as high as 10 trillion yuan. If the production, living and consumption activities of farmers and rural areas are included, the entire three rural areas are even more important.

From upstream agricultural materials, to intermediate production links, and then to downstream supporting facilities such as reserves, logistics and transportation, the wealth scale of the entire Chinese agricultural market is believed to be as high as 10 trillion yuan. If you take into account activities such as production, life and consumption in farmers and rural areas, the whole field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is pregnant with inestimable business opportunities. How to seize the historical opportunity of "Internet + Agriculture"? at the 14th Internet Frontier Salon held on the evening of August 11, Meng Zhaoli, chief economist of Tencent Research Institute, Gao Haiyan, vice president of Yimu Tian Group, and Ren Mu, co-founder of Young Caijun, exchanged their views respectively.

Meng Zhaoli, chief economist of Tencent Research Institute, said in a keynote speech entitled "Internet +, agriculture, rural areas and farmers: a package of solutions" that China has the dual challenges of severe agricultural production and relatively backward rural governance. from the experience at home and abroad, mobile Internet is the most cost-effective investment that can improve the level of coordinated social and economic development. Mobile Internet can also be used as a lever to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China.

Social platforms such as the official Wechat account and Mobile QQ can help public health departments collect information quickly, keep abreast of the spread of diseases and insect pests, make timely arrangements, inform a wide range of information, mobilize the broadest masses, and safeguard food security. In the pest control work in 2014, the Agricultural Technology Station of Tanjiachang Township, Chenxi County, Huaihua, Hunan Province, used the Wechat platform to issue timely disease and pest forecasts, so that farmers could keep abreast of the occurrence and development of crop diseases and pests, use drugs in a timely manner, and improve their control effectiveness. won the praise of farmers.

Tencent OS combines connectivity, superior content services and the manufacturing capabilities of smart hardware manufacturers, combines the wisdom of technology developers and agricultural producers, and works together to "create unlimited possibilities". Tencent Cloud's data storage and computing features help store historical grain data and dynamically analyze crop growth. Wechat can connect mobile phones with smart devices and agricultural machinery, and users can control agricultural machinery remotely through their mobile phones to achieve intelligent production.

Wechat can also help farmers exchange and share planting experience, targeted push industry production knowledge, and provide remote agricultural diagnosis services. Luyuan vegetable professional cooperative in Suning County, Hebei Province, set up WeChat groups to share relevant planting techniques and pest prevention knowledge in a timely manner. More than 50 million high-quality vegetable seedlings are cultivated every year, driving more than 5000 farmers to increase their vegetable income and become rich. Chongren County farmer Wang Zhihua through mobile Wechat Wang Liangshou, a plant protection expert in the county, sent a picture of rice diseases and insect pests in his own paddy field. A few minutes later, Wang Zhihua received the diagnosis and scientific prevention and treatment advice.

Wechat will also become the entrance to rural medical care, realizing the functions of medical knowledge popularization, remote interactive diagnosis and treatment, and access to commonly used drugs. The official Wechat account regularly promotes public medical information, such as prevention and treatment of common infectious diseases, knowledge of prenatal examination of pregnant women, mental illness identification, etc., to raise farmers' medical awareness and prevent common diseases; rely on the Wechat official account interactive service function, send pictures and voice to achieve remote diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of poultry, prevent the occurrence of bird flu, farmers no longer have to go to the veterinarian The official accounts of each village collect the medical information of the village. If you need those medicines and how many medicines you need, you can distribute essential medicines and medical equipment through Wechat to facilitate local health centers to obtain essential medicines.

In a speech entitled "one mu of land: point breakthrough and structural evolution," Gao Haiyan, vice president of Yimu Tian Group, said that he will build bridges of information, trust, and credit between farmers and consumers, establish information markets, trading markets, and service markets, realize incentive mechanism, process reengineering, and gradually realize consumption production, origin traceability, and circulation informationization. Unlike many e-commerce, one mu of farmland is an e-commerce platform with mud on its feet, and it also has a strong sense of mission: to increase farmers' income, lighten the burden for citizens, and create a new agricultural civilization.

Ren Mu, co-founder of Young Caijun, said in a publication entitled "Internet + Agriculture how to solve the Last kilometer problem" that Young Caijun's business model is based on the judgment of pain points in the fresh industry. One is the problem of inventory depletion. Inventory often brings high wear and tear, and the solution for Young Caijun is for users to book online one day in advance, and then purchase production and processing according to the user's menu. Therefore, the young vegetable gentleman has no inventory, which reduces the loss of inventory; the second is the problem of distribution in the last kilometer. In view of the high cost of home matching, at the beginning of its establishment, the young vegetable gentleman insisted that the people-friendly price of the dishes should not be matched, but set up self-pick-up points in the community and subway entrance to deliver the goods to the nearest place to the customer, and each user just needed to bring it home on the way.