
The latest course of jackfruit's High-yield cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Jackfruit is a tropical fruit with unique taste and flavor, which needs high temperature and humid environment to grow. It is a seasonal fruit in summer, and the seeds in the middle of the fruit can also be used as medicine. It is very popular with the broad masses of people in the market, and the number of cultivation is also increasing.

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit with unique taste and flavor, which needs high temperature and humid environment to grow. It is a seasonal fruit in summer, and the seeds in the middle of the fruit can also be used as medicine. It is very popular with the broad masses of people on the market. The number of cultivation is also increasing, and the planting experience is very rich. Today, the main purpose is to introduce jackfruit's specific cultivation techniques to farmers who want to plant jackfruit.

1. Orchard requirements

It is necessary to build a garden on a gentle slope in hills and small mountains. do not build a garden in large fields or low-lying lands. the soil should be moist, fertile, loose and deep, and there should be no stones or sand that hinder the growth of roots. Convenient transportation, adequate water, do not plant in the tuyere to prevent typhoons.

2. Planting density

Planting general plant spacing of 6 meters row spacing is also 6 meters, because the tree shape is relatively tall, so the planting density is relatively sparse, do not plant too dense, affecting growth, more flat land can be planted sparse, sloping land can be planted denser.

III. Tree adjustment

Young trees should be dried, and after drying, lateral branches should be left step by step, fruiting mother branches and fruiting branches. Generally speaking, the main branch retains 3 to 4 branches at a 40-degree angle. After that, the branches gradually increase and narrow the angle. Keep thinning branches, leaving branches and renewing. Adult trees are pruned in summer, cutting long branches, thinning shoots, wiping buds, thinning flowers and fruits. Cut withered branches and diseased fruits in winter.

IV. Water and fertilizer management

Young trees are fertilized in the four seasons, and compound fertilizer is applied once in spring, summer and autumn, about 80 grams per plant. Winter fertilization mainly applies farm manure, one plant at a time fertilizes 8 to 10 jin. Fruit tree fertilization, flower-promoting fertilizer, one plant applied compost 30 jin, strong fruit fertilizer, one plant applied potassium chloride 1 jin, spraying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Fruit picking fertilizer per plant is 2 jin of compound fertilizer, 1 jin of phosphorus and magnesium fertilizer and 10 jin of grass heap fertilizer. The main watering period is in the fruit period, watering once a week, other times depending on the dryness of the soil, watering a little more, but also drainage after rain.

Because of the tall tree shape, the cultivated jackfruit should have much more nutrition, sufficient water, reasonable planting density and key management in the fruiting period. Pruning fruit trees to improve the vegetative growth environment.