
The latest course of protected cultivation techniques of Virgin Fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Virgin fruit is a special variety of tomato, the fruit is much smaller than the tomato, the taste is inclined to the fruit, the appearance is better, the vitamin content is also very high, once on the market, it is loved by the majority of consumers. Currently planting in the open field in winter or late autumn in warm land

Virgin fruit is a special variety of tomato, the fruit is much smaller than the tomato, the taste is inclined to the fruit, the appearance is better, the vitamin content is also very high, once on the market, it is loved by the majority of consumers. At present, planting in the open field in winter or late autumn, can not be planted in early spring, but the use of protected cultivation facilities can be cultivated all the year round. So now it is mainly facility cultivation, so what is the specific content of facility cultivation technology? let's learn about it together.

1. Cultivation in small arch shed

It can be cultivated in January, generally, first raising seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then transplanting to the field, planting with plastic film and drilling holes in a ridge, and then adding a small arch shed after planting. Arch shed heat preservation is very important, it is difficult to get rid of the arch shed to survive, the combination of plastic film and arch shed can be completely insulated well, and can be temporarily protected against the wind when the sun comes out. It can be harvested one month ahead of schedule.

2. Planting in greenhouse

Planting can be one month earlier than the small arch shed. Before planting, a large amount of farm manure should be used to compost and emit heat to help raise the temperature of the nursery bed and ensure the breeding of seedlings. Then you can also use electric wires to heat the seedbed to raise seedlings. The temperature may not be enough to raise seedlings directly. It can be planted in the greenhouse in February, and after planting, it is necessary to add a small arch shed to keep the heat more concentrated. It can be harvested in April, and the results will last until August. It is best to use precocious varieties in cultivated varieties. The greenhouse can also sow seeds in summer and keep the fruit until early winter.

3. Rainproof planting

When planting in the south, you can build two horizontal frames in the middle, and then let the virgin vines climb up, with a fan-shaped rain-proof plastic shed at the top to prevent Rain Water from getting wet. Diseases can be reduced, sunshade nets can be added to the roof of the rain-proof canopy to reduce light intensity and cool down. This can prolong the result time.

4. Greenhouse cultivation

In the long sunshine area in winter, the virgin fruit can be cultivated in the greenhouse, as long as it is warm and humid to ensure the temperature to sprout and grow, and then strengthen the fertilizer and water management to cultivate the virgin fruit with normal growth. But it may be less ventilated, when the temperature is relatively high on a sunny day. Don't fertilize too much and irrigate a little more, but pay attention to collecting evaporative water droplets and not dripping on the leaves.

The main facility cultivation methods of virgin fruit are the above, mainly in order to cultivate and harvest virgin fruit all the year round. Facility cultivation means that as long as a suitable environment is created, it can be cultivated all the time, regardless of the external environment.