
The latest course of fertilization techniques and methods for Young Longan trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Longan young tree management is mainly to promote branch growth and expand the crown, so in order to meet its growth needs, fertilizer must be fully applied, so how to apply fertilizer to longan young trees? Let's get to know it. 1. Fertilizing the root system and planting new seedlings can be done after the strong points and new roots

Longan young tree management to promote the growth of branches, mainly to expand the crown, so in order to meet its growth needs, fertilizer must be applied enough, then how to fertilize longan young trees? Let's get to know each other.

1. Root fertilization

New seedlings can be fertilized after growing new roots. Since seedlings tend to sprout first and then root after planting, fertilization should be done once when new shoots turn green and mature. However, perennial seedlings have underdeveloped roots, so fertilizer should be applied thinly, preferably with water to facilitate root absorption, watering and fertilizing once every half month in the year of planting, mainly with thin manure, but also with low concentration urea and compound fertilizer solution. After planting for 2 years, topdressing was applied twice, one time before the new shoots sprouted, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and another time when the new shoots turned green, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer can be applied directly, while chemical fertilizer can be applied along the tree crown drip line in circular grooves. The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the size of the plant. 5- 10kg diluted human excrement and urine fertilizer is applied to each plant for shoot promotion fertilizer, and 0.05 - 0.15kg compound fertilizer is applied to strong shoot fertilizer plants.

2. Fertilization outside roots

Root fertilization is to spray liquid fertilizer on longan crown, leaves are absorption organs, a large number of stomata are distributed on the back of leaves, which are the main parts to absorb root fertilizer, while leaves have a cuticle layer, which has a large absorption capacity, so when spraying foliar fertilizer, pay attention to spraying leaf back. The external root fertilizer has the advantages of high absorption capacity and fertilizer utilization rate, which can meet the similarity of nutrients in specific growth and development stages of plants to a certain extent. Young trees outside the root fertilization is usually combined with pest control spray together with the continuation, can spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.3~0.5% compound fertilizer extract and organic fertilizer retting solution.

3. Deep ploughing and soil improvement

The method is to dig out and widen 0.4 meters and 1.6 meters deep immediately after the planting hole. The length depends on the specification of the planting hole. Trenches can be dug on both sides of the young tree to improve the soil, or any side of the planting hole can be dug to improve the soil. However, attention should be paid to digging the soil improvement ditch between the planting holes, and do not leave an interlayer, so as not to affect the root growth. When digging the ditch, the longan root system should be cut off in time to promote the growth of new roots. The young trees can all start deep ploughing and soil improvement. When digging and improving soil ditches, topsoil and subsoil should be stacked separately, weeds, crop straws, green manure, etc. should be filled into the lower layer of the ditch, and lime should be scattered in layers according to the dosage of 0.5 kg per square meter.

The above is an introduction to the fertilization technology of longan young trees. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.