
The latest perfume pineapple planting technology tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many varieties of pineapple, and perfume pineapple is one of them, its fruit is golden yellow, the meat crisp sweet and juicy, the flesh is particularly sweet, sweet and sour moderate, and elegant charming perfume smell. Compared with ordinary pineapple, it is more popular with the public, so perfume

There are many varieties of pineapple, and perfume pineapple is one of them, its fruit is golden, the flesh is crisp, sweet and juicy, the flesh is particularly sweet, moderately sweet and sour, and it has a light and elegant fragrance. Compared with ordinary pineapple, it is more popular, so how to grow perfume pineapple? Let's get to know it.

1. Build a garden

Perfume pineapple has strong adaptability to soil. in order to have good yield and quality, it is suitable to choose sandy loam with deep soil layer, loose fertile soil, good drainage and convenient transportation, while over-sticky or sandy soil is not suitable to build a garden. Before planting, it is necessary to standardize the park, unified scientific planning and rational layout of roads, shelterbelts, drainage and irrigation systems and water and fertilizer ponds. Deep ploughing should be carried out before planting to remove dead shrubs and weeds, and then rake mud clumps. Raking fine, deep ploughing and turning in the soil can kill underground pests and germs, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, and create conditions for high yield of perfume pineapple. When the base fertilizer was applied when making the border, the perfume pineapple obtained the basis of high yield. generally, 500 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 25 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and 10 kg of compound fertilizer per mu were fully mixed and covered with plastic film.

2. Planting

Perfume pineapple can be planted all year round, but it is better to plant it from April to July, when the temperature is rising and Rain Water increases gradually, which is beneficial to rooting and improving the survival rate of seedlings after planting. There are three kinds of seedlings: terminal bud, receptacle bud and sucking bud. In order to facilitate management, different buds should be classified before planting, so as to avoid the imbalance between height and size after mixed planting. Before planting, the seedlings were disinfected, and after treatment, they were placed on the border surface to dry for several days, and the seedlings could be planted after the wound was dry.

3. Colonization

Using the method of deep ploughing and shallow planting, before planting, open a deep ditch and mix the soil with the soil, then open a small ditch, and then plant seedlings, it is generally appropriate for the soil not to exceed the central growing point, so as to prevent the soil from splashing into the heart of the plant, affecting the normal growth of pineapple or leading to fertilizer. Planting should use hands to straighten the seedlings and cultivate the soil, then compact the soil with hands, and spray fixed root water in time after planting, so that the shoots are in full contact with the soil and promote rooting. In order to balance the growth of seedlings after planting and facilitate management, the seedlings should be planted strictly according to the size of the seedlings.

4. Fertilizer and water management

Pineapple seedlings have thick leaves and strong drought resistance, but a certain amount of water is needed in seedling stage, bud emergence stage, fruit development stage and bud absorption stage. Drip irrigation should be used in case of drought, and drainage should be done well in rainy season to create a suitable growth environment for pineapple. After planting, it was found that Rain Water scouring made the root system exposed, so it was necessary to cultivate the soil in time and cultivate it with black plastic film mulching at low temperature, so as to reduce soil water evaporation, reduce surface temperature and promote root growth. Fertilization should be balanced and closed, mainly organic fertilizer, combined with compound fertilizer and microbial fertilizer, generally topdressing one month after planting, and the second after four months, and according to the growth of pineapple, foliar fertilizer is applied once a month to lay a solid foundation for high-yield cultivation.

The above is the introduction of perfume pineapple planting technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.