
The latest ways to increase the yield of grapes

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The planting area of grapes in our country is very large, and many people will plant one or two plants in their families for their own consumption. However, when planting on a large scale, what we all think about is how to increase the yield of grapes. If we want to increase the output of grapes, we should do a good job of management.

The planting area of grapes in our country is very large, and many people will plant one or two plants in their families for their own consumption. However, when planting on a large scale, what everyone thinks about is how to increase the yield of grapes. If you want to increase the output of grapes, it is very important to do a good job of management. So how do we do it exactly? The following editor brings you a way to improve grape production. Let's have a look!

1. Water and fertilizer management

If you want to increase the yield of grapes, the first thing you must do is to do a good job in water and fertilizer management. We should control the amount and frequency of fertilizer application according to the different growth periods of grapes, meet the nutrition needs of grapes in each growth period, and promote the normal growth of grapes. Then we should control the amount of water according to the water content of the soil and the weather. When the soil is dry, we should water it in time to keep the soil moist. On the contrary, if there is stagnant water in the field, then it should be drained in time to avoid retting roots and dead seedlings. In order to improve the utilization rate of water and fertilizer, new high fat membrane can be sprayed properly.

2. Shaping and pruning

Grape is a kind of vine fruit plant, so when we plant, we must do a good job of shaping and pruning. If the shaping and pruning work is not in place, it will reduce the permeability in the orchard and have a great impact on the flowering and fruiting of the grapes. Grape pruning is mainly winter pruning and summer pruning. In winter pruning, the main object is medium and long shoots, and it is best not to use short shoots. When trimming, be careful to stagger the upper and lower parts. Summer scissors should also pay more attention to improve permeability and pay attention to smear an appropriate amount of anticorrosive film to promote healing in pruning wounds.

3. Thinning flowers and fruits

Too much fruit is also one of the main reasons for low grape yield and poor fruit quality. Therefore, we should pay attention to the amount of fruit hanging on the vine and do a good job of thinning flowers and fruits. When grape is planted, it is very easy to appear the phenomenon of big and small years. The size of the year leads to the load imbalance of the grapevine, affects the balance between the income and the vine, and also has a great impact on the fruit trees. Therefore, every year when grapevines differentiate in flower buds, they should be properly painted to promote flower bud differentiation, avoid overgrowth and improve the pollination rate.

4. Clear the garden in winter

After the grapes are harvested in winter, we still need to do a good job in clearing the garden. Cut off the diseased tips, diseased leaves and fruits of the vines, and then take them out of the orchard for treatment. Deeply disinfect the soil once to eliminate the source of overwintering disease. If a disease occurs, the affected site should be cut off in time to avoid the expansion of germs and expand the affected area. Then the trunk should be whitened to avoid being harmed by diseases and insect pests, and then properly sprayed with new high-fat film to improve the ability of heat preservation and moisture conservation, so as to promote the grape tree to survive the winter. Increase the production capacity of vines, naturally increase the yield of grapes.

The above is a brief introduction to how to improve grape yield. If you want to increase the output of grapes, you must do a good job in management, so we must pay more attention to it. This is the end of today's introduction, this article is for reference only, I hope it can be helpful to everyone!