
The latest course of soilless cultivation techniques and methods of figs

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Figs have always been cultivated in the soil, but the soilless cultivation technology of figs we are going to introduce today is mainly to use the culture medium instead of planting soil. This kind of planting method has better nutritional conditions and is more manageable.

Figs have always been cultivated in the soil, but the soilless cultivation technology of figs we are going to introduce today is mainly to use the culture medium instead of planting soil, which has good nutritional conditions. it is more convenient to manage and can reduce many soil-borne diseases, so we will introduce this cultivation method in detail next.

1. Select improved varieties

As soilless cultivation is mainly planted at home and cultivated in containers, the selection of varieties must be a variety with medium tree potential, not very strong germination, but many fruits and good taste. For example, the red dwarf is a Chinese purple fruit variety, which is easier to manage than the dwarf. Boji red, mainly bearing autumn fruit, the tree is medium-sized and strong, more productive, and the fruit tastes good.

2. Culture medium configuration

Choose a good breathable tile basin or wooden box to grow, requiring a wide-mouth container with a width of more than 40 centimeters. Choose a loose and breathable medium with high humus content, and it is best to use peat, rotten withered leaves, vermiculite and fish meal according to the ratio of 6: 4: 2: 1. Peanut shells, bagasse and bean cakes can also be used after ripening, and can also be used with river sand and pond mud. Cooked, sprayed, and sterilized in the sun.

3. Planting

After raising seedlings in the soil, take strong plants with full buds to plant, first trim part of the roots and branches, dig holes wider and deeper than the roots, then stretch the roots and put them in, and then cover the matrix, gently press, pour through the water, and the matrix will sink.

4. Management

Base fertilizer 50 grams of compound fertilizer per plant, can be adjusted, fertilization should be watered. You can also use vegetable leaves and peels to make organic nitrogen fertilizer after ripening. Animal bones with all kinds of food can be used after they are cooked in water. Amoy rice water fermentation is used as potash fertilizer. You can put the middle finger container in the yard. Usually to trim, to maintain a natural and happy shape, the process can choose to stay. Usually spray what stone sulfur mixture, Bordeaux liquid to prevent diseases. Catch and kill all kinds of bugs in time.

Fig soilless cultivation is actually produced for urban population planting and convenient management, which is different from the hydroponic culture method of some vegetables, but it all depends on the growth of culture medium.